Or. Admin. Code § 416-550-0070
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 416-550-0070 - Program StatementAll treatment foster care programs will have a written program statement which describes its mission, organizational structure, services, policies, record-keeping and evaluation procedures. The program statement will describe:
(1) The treatment foster care program's treatment philosophy and the specific treatment modality(s) it employs.(2) The services the treatment foster care program provides.(3) The adjudicated youth it is designed to serve with regard to age, gender, geographic service area and types of special needs the program is prepared to address. Adjudicated youth served must exhibit an identifiable special need.(4) A staffing pattern which allows for the intensity of service required in treatment foster care and designates the individual responsible for program administration.(5) How the services to be provided will reflect the cultural diversity of the community and be responsive to the needs of the community.(6) A policy assuring that the treatment foster care program staff and treatment foster parents adhere to practices that respect and promote positive cultural or ethnic identity.(7) A policy on discipline and physical.(8) The plan for crisis intervention procedures.(9) The protocol for investigating, responding to and reporting allegations of misconduct and/or abuse by treatment foster parents, treatment foster care program/agency staff, or an adjudicated youth.(10) The policy advising adjudicated youth and parents of their rights and the grievance procedures available to them.Or. Admin. Code § 416-550-0070
OYA 2-1995, f. 12-19-95, cert. ef. 1-2-96; OYA 7-2005, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-05; OYA 11-2023, amend filed 01/10/2023, effective 1/10/2023Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 420A.025
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 420.810, 420.815, 420.821, 420.825, 420.835, 420.840, 420.888, 420.890 & 420.892