Or. Admin. Code § 350-082-0480
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 350-082-0480 - Commercial Events(1) Commercial events may be allowed where authorized in specified land use designations and consistent with the guidelines in sections (2) and (3) below.(2) Commercial events include weddings, receptions, parties and other small-scale gatherings that are incidental and subordinate to the primary use on a parcel.(3) Commercial events may be allowed in the GMA except on lands designated Open Space, Commercial Forest, or Agriculture-Special, subject to compliance with 350-082-0600 through 350-082-0720 and all the following guidelines: (a) The use must be in conjunction with an on-site wine or cider sales and tasting room, bed and breakfast inn, or commercial use. If the use is proposed on a property with a building on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, it shall be subject to 350-082-0530 and not 350-082-0480.(b) The owner of the subject parcel shall live on the parcel and shall operate and manage the use.(c) A single commercial event shall host no more than 100 guests.(d) The use shall comply with the following parking requirements: (A) A single commercial event shall include no more than 50 vehicles for guests.(B) All parking shall occur on the subject parcel.(C) At least 200 square feet of parking space shall be required for each vehicle.(D) Parking areas may be developed using paving blocks, gravel, or other pervious surfaces; asphalt, concrete and other imperious materials shall be prohibited.(E) All parking areas shall be fully screened from key viewing areas.(e) The owner of the subject parcel may conduct 18 single events up to one day in length per year.(f) The owner of the subject parcel shall notify the reviewing agency and all owners of land within 500 feet of the perimeter of the subject parcel of each planned event. The notice shall be in writing and shall be mailed at least seven calendar days before an event.(g) Tents, canopies, portable restrooms and other similar temporary structures necessary for a commercial event may be allowed, provided all such structures are erected or placed on the subject parcel no more than two days before the event and removed no more than two days after the event. Alternatively, temporary structures may remain in place for up to 90 days if they are fully screened from key viewing areas.(h) The use may be allowed upon demonstration of compliance with all the following guidelines to protect any nearby agricultural and forest operations: (A) The use would not force a change in or increase the cost of accepted agricultural practices on surrounding lands.(B) The use would be set back from any abutting parcel designated Large-Scale Agriculture or Small-Scale Agriculture, as required in 350-082-0580(2), or designated Commercial Forest Land, Large Woodland, or Small Woodland, as required in 350-082-0270(6)(a).(C) A declaration has been signed by the landowner and recorded into county deeds and records specifying that the owners, successors, heirs and assigns of the subject parcel are aware that adjacent and nearby operators are entitled to carry on accepted agriculture or forest practices on lands designated Large-Scale Agriculture, Small-Scale Agriculture, Commercial Forest Land, Large Woodland, or Small Woodland.(D) All owners of land in areas designated Large-Scale Agriculture, Small-Scale Agriculture, Commercial Forest Land, Large Woodland, or Small Woodland that is within 500 feet of the perimeter of the subject parcel on which the use is proposed to be located have been notified and given at least ten days to comment prior to a decision.(i) The Executive Director may impose additional requirements to address potential impacts to surrounding neighbors. For example, they may limit noise, lighting and operating hours.(j) Approvals for commercial events shall not be valid for more than two years. Landowners must reapply for the use after an approval expires.(k) A yearly report shall be submitted to the reviewing agency by January 31st reporting on the events held the previous year. This report shall include the number of events held, how many people were in attendance, and copies of catering contracts or other vendors used to verify.(l) Permits shall not be renewed if there have been past violations, including failure to file.Or. Admin. Code § 350-082-0480
CRGC 1-2022, adopt filed 03/02/2022, effective 5/1/2022Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 196.150, RCW 43.97.015, 16 USC § 544e(c)
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 196.150, RCW 43.97.015, 16 USC § 544e(c)