Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 333-610-0010 - DefinitionsAs used in this division:
(1) "Alternative Services" means any long-term care services other than nursing homes.(2) "Adult Foster Care" means supervised living, like licensed residential care facility (home for the aged) but for five or fewer persons.(3) "Closed System Provider" means a facility or campus arrangement offering a continuing care contract for both unsupervised housing and licensed nursing facility care.(4) "Community Services/Nonresidential Services" means alternative services which do not involve 24-hour living outside of one's own home and may include in-home services or services provided outside of the home, such as meals, social activities, clinics, classes, organized day programs, etc.(5) "Continuing Care Contract" means a legally binding agreement between an individual and a closed system provider, which remains in effect for longer than two years, sometimes for the resident's lifetime. The contract states what shelter and services the home will provide to the resident over the time specified, and it states what obligations, including financial obligations, the resident will have to the home for the same time period. The contract will specify the nursing home services that the community will provide to residents, but will not be solely for the purpose of providing nursing home services. The primary purpose of the contract will be to provide a living situation to elderly persons who will usually be ambulatory and in good health upon entry into the community. Continuing care contracts are known by a variety of names, including life care contracts, entrance fee agreements, sustaining gift contracts, occupancy agreements, accommodation fee agreements, member trust fund contracts, founders' fees contracts, and community residence agreements.(6) "Home for the Aged/Rest Home". See licensed residential care facility.(7) "Home Nursing Care" or "Home Health Service" means nursing care provided in the home by a private duty nurse, visiting nurse, proprietary home care agency, or county home health agency.(8) "In-Home Services" means alternative services delivered to the home; may include telephone reassurance, home delivered meals, housekeeper, heavy chores, homemaker, personal care, home nursing care, special care or therapy.(9) "Institutional Care" means nursing home care. (10) "Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)" means a licensed long-term care facility (nursing home) providing care for persons with significant but stable health problems requiring availability of a registered nurse for one eight-hour shift daily, five days a week, together with additional light or heavy aide care. ICFs for the mentally retarded are not included in this definition.(11) "Licensed Residential Care Facility" (formerly called home for the aged). Under ORS 443.400(5), this type of substitute home/supervised living means "a facility that provides, for six or more physically handicapped or socially dependent individuals, residential care . . .". Under Seniors and People with Disabilities Division rules, residents may not require continuous nursing care but may require routine medication; special diets; assistance with activities of daily living; palliative skin care; simple dressings; maintenance of casts, braces, and prostheses. Periodic licensed nursing care (catheter irrigation, dressing change, or periodic injections) may be provided on contract just as in a person's own home.(12) "Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF)" refers to Oregon's current licensing category for all nursing home beds, as defined in Seniors and People with Disabilities Division licensure rules, whether freestanding or part of a hospital, and whether the patients are at skilled level of care or intermediate level.(13) "Long-Term Care Services/Continuum of Care" means the entire set of possible services for persons in need of long-term health and/or social services.(14) "Nursing Home" means long-term care facility, as defined in Seniors and People with Disabilities Division licensure rules, providing skilled and/or intermediate level nursing care.(15) "Personal Care" means physician prescribed, registered nurse supervised, services delivered by trained individuals, including: Basic personal hygiene; bowel and bladder care; assistance with self-administered medications and oxygen; assistance with mobility, transfers and comfort; assistance with meal preparation and feeding; care of confused and/or mentally ill client; first aid and handling of emergencies; housekeeping necessary for health and safety; assistance to and from appointments; monitoring of client status.(16) "Retirement Home" means a place where relatively independent older persons live together with little supervision with some common services such as housekeeping and some meals provided.(17) "Satellite Apartment" means a periodically supervised living arrangement associated with a home for the aged, nursing home, or other 24-hour residential facility.(18) "Semi-Independent Living" means cooperative small group living in freestanding housing, with limited supervision and assistance on the basis of daily or less frequent visits.(19) "Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)" means a licensed long-term care facility providing care for persons with severe and/or unstable health problems which cannot be managed at the intermediate care level, requiring the availability of a registered nurse 24 hours daily, seven days a week, but not requiring the levels of nursing, physician and specialized services available in a hospital.(20) "Substitute Home/Supervised Living" means nonmedical alternative services involving 24-hour care and supervision. In Oregon, includes licensed residential care facility (home for the aged), adult foster care, satellite apartments, or semi-independent living.Or. Admin. Code § 333-610-0010
HD 13-1994, f. & cert. ef. 4-22-94Stat. Auth.: ORS 431.120(6) & 442.315
Stats. Implemented: ORS 431.120(6) & 442.315