Or. Admin. Code § 333-536-0041
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 333-536-0041 - Surveys(1) The Authority shall, in addition to any investigations conducted pursuant to OAR 333-536-0043, conduct at least one survey of each agency prior to services being rendered and once every two years thereafter in accordance with ORS 443.315 as a requirement of licensing and at such other times as the Authority deems necessary.(2) The Authority shall notify the agency owner and administrator no less than 72 hours prior to the date of an initial or biennial licensing survey. (3) In lieu of an on-site inspection required by section (1) of this rule, the Authority may accept a certification or accreditation from a federal agency or an accrediting body approved by the Authority that state licensing standards have been met if an agency: (a) Notifies the Authority to participate in any exit interview conducted by the federal agency or accrediting body; and(b) Provides copies of all documentation concerning the certification or accreditation requested by the Authority.(4) An agency shall permit Authority staff access to any location from which it is operating its agency or providing services during a survey.(5) A survey may include but is not limited to:(a) Interviews of clients, client family members, agency management and staff;(b) On-site observations of clients and staff performance;(c) Review of documents and records;(6) An agency shall make all requested documents and records available to the surveyor for review and copying.(7) Following a survey, Authority staff conducts an exit conference with an agency owner, administrator, or administrator's designee. During an exit conference, Authority staff shall:(a) Inform the agency owner, administrator or administrator's designee of the preliminary findings of the inspection; and(b) Give the owner, administrator or administrator's designee a reasonable opportunity to submit additional facts or other information to the surveyor in response to those findings.(8) Following a survey, Authority staff shall prepare and provide the agency owner or administrator specific and timely written notice of the findings.(9) If the findings result in a referral to another regulatory agency, Authority staff shall submit the applicable information to that referral agency for its review and determination of appropriate action.(10) If no deficiencies are found during a survey, the Authority shall issue written findings to the agency owner or administrator indicating that fact.(11) If deficiencies are found, the Authority shall take informal or formal enforcement action in accordance with OAR 333-536-0117 or 333-536-0120.Or. Admin. Code § 333-536-0041
PH 10-2012, f. 6-26-12, cert. ef. 7-1-12; PH 26-2021, amend filed 06/29/2021, effective 7/1/2021Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 443.340
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 443.315 & 443.340