Or. Admin. Code § 333-103-0005

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 333-103-0005 - Biennial Fee for Radiation Machine Tubes
(1) For the purpose of this division, a radiation machine is defined under OAR 333-100-0005.
(2) Each radiation machine tube shall be validated biennially by a radiation machine tube fee in the following amounts:
(a) Hospital, radiologist, chiropractic, osteopathic or medical X-ray machine tube, $427;
(b) Radiation generating device or podiatry X-ray machine tube, $285;
(c) Dental, academic, or veterinary X-ray machine tubes, $210;
(d) Computed tomography X-ray machine tube, $600.
(e) Cone beam computed tomography X-ray machine tube, $210.
(f) Mammography X-ray machine tube, $800; or
(g) Therapy X-ray machine tube, $1,000;
(3) The radiation machine tube fee shall be due and payable for each radiation machine tube on or before March 1 of each biennium.
(4) A certificate of validation or acknowledgment of validation for the current biennium must be posted on or near the radiation machine by the registrant.
(5) In any case in which a registrant has submitted the proper fee prior to the expiration of a validation certificate, such existing validation certificate shall not expire until the issuance of a new validation certificate for the current biennium.
(6) Upon written request and approval by the Authority, fees for new licenses or additional machines shall be prorated on a biennial quarterly basis for the current biennium.

Or. Admin. Code § 333-103-0005

HD 4-1985, f. & ef. 3-20-85; HD 13-1988, f. 6-7-88, cert. ef. 7-1-88; HD 1-1991, f. & cert. ef. 1-8-91; HD 15-1991, f. & cert. ef. 10-1-91; HD 15-1994, f. & cert. ef. 5-6-94; HD 2-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-11-95; HD 4-1995, f. & cert. ef. 9-8-95; HD 3-1996, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-96; PH 11-2006, f. & cert. ef. 6-16-06; PH 4-2007, f. & cert. ef. 3-1-07; PH 14-2008, f. & cert. ef. 9-15-08; PH 19-2015, f. 9-30-15, cert. ef. 10/1/2015; PH 92-2021, amend filed 12/29/2021, effective 1/1/2022

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 453.757, 453.761

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 453.757, 453.761