Or. Admin. Code § 291-078-0010
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 291-078-0010 - Definitions(1) Adult on Supervision: Any person under the supervision of the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency who is on probation, parole, post-prison supervision or any form of temporary or transitional leave from custody.(2) Agency: The Department of Corrections or county community corrections agencies.(3) Behavior Change Plan: A component of the case plan used to address the criminogenic needs of an adult on supervision. The behavior change plan is developed collaboratively with the officer and the adult on supervision to include the identified criminogenic need area, stage of change, problem statement, SMART goal, strategies, barriers, strengths, action plan and progress notes. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.(4) Case Management: A proactive and collaborative process which assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates options and services to meet an adult on supervision's risks, needs, and responsivity factors. Case management is the process that links all the elements involved in an adult on supervision's management. The process of case management unifies procedures and personnel to balance resources, the adult on supervision's needs, and community safety throughout the term of community supervision.(5) Case Plan: A dynamic document created collaboratively with an adult on supervision that specifically identifies the evidence-based assessment of risk and needs, accompanied by risk reduction interventions, action plans, and behavior change plans, with timelines.(6) Electronic Visit: A visit between the adult on supervision and the Community Corrections or Department of Corrections personnel involving meaningful case management contact by electronic means other than telephone in lieu of a face-to-face contact.(7) Evidence-Based Practices: The body of research and clinical knowledge that describes correctional assessment, programming, and supervision strategies that lead to improved correctional outcomes, such as risk reduction and increased public safety. Such principles not only meet the public's expectations for economical business strategies, efficiency, and effectiveness; but also reflect fairness and accountability.(8) Intensive Supervision: An enhanced level of supervision exceeding a county's high risk level supervision standards. Intensive supervision may include, but not be limited to, electronic monitoring, house arrest, curfew, day reporting, supervised housing, multiple supervising officers, adjunct surveillance by law enforcement or other specialists, increased face-to-face adult on supervision contacts in the community, increased collateral contacts (such as with family, therapist or employer), community notification, geographic restrictions, mileage logs, medication monitoring (such as psychotropics, or Antabuse), intensive outpatient or residential treatment programming, urinalysis, and polygraph.(9) Measurable Contact: Contact with an adult on supervision that supports public safety and aims to provide opportunities to affect positive behavior change.(10) New Case: Any person received for supervision who is not already under community supervision at the time of admission to probation or at the time of release from custody due to revocation or a new conviction.(11) Risk of Recidivism: The likelihood of an adult on supervision being either: (a) Arrested for a new crime;(b) Convicted of a new misdemeanor or felony; or(c) Incarcerated for a new felony within three years of release from custody or admission to supervision.(12) Sexually Violent Dangerous Offender (SVDO): A special designation by the court or Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision as defined in ORS 144.635 subjecting the adult on supervision to intensive supervision for the full period of parole or post-prison supervision or post-parole supervision.(13) Telephone Visit: A visit between the adult on supervision and the Community Corrections or Department of Corrections personnel involving meaningful case management contact by means of telephone in lieu of a face-to-face contact.(14) Virtual Visit: A visit between the adult on supervision and the Community Corrections or Department of Corrections personnel involving some form of meaningful case management contact using an electronic device in which both parties can view and speak to each other by video.Or. Admin. Code § 291-078-0010
CD 15-1991, f. & cert. ef. 6-14-91; CD 12-1997, f. 7-23-97, cert. ef. 8-1-97; DOC 9-2012(Temp), f. 8-31-12, cert. ef. 9-1-12 thru 2-28-13; DOC 3-2013, f. & cert. ef. 2-28-13; DOC 19-2014(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-29-14 thru 2-25-15; DOC 3-2015, f. & cert. ef. 2/25/2015; DOC 4-2024, amend filed 04/02/2024, effective 5/1/2024Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030 & 423.075
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030 & 423.075