Or. Admin. Code § 291-027-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 291-027-0020 - Definitions(1) Department of Corrections Facility: Any institution, facility or staff office, including the grounds, operated by the Department of Corrections.(2) Emergency Contact Person: That individual(s) designated by an inmate to be notified in case of an emergency.(3) Facility Contact Person: A staff member at each department facility designated by the functional unit manager to be responsible for coordinating contact and communication with the inmate's emergency contact person and other agencies as necessary.(4) Functional Unit Manager: Any person within the Department of Corrections who reports either to the Director, an assistant director, or administrator and has responsibility for delivery of program services or coordination of program operations.(5) Inmate: Any person under the supervision of the Department of Corrections who is not on parole, post-prison supervision or probation status.(6) Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) Inmate: An inmate housed in a correctional facility in a state different than the sentencing jurisdiction under rules of the Interstate Correctional Compact.(7) Officer-in-Charge: That person designated by the functional unit manager to supervise the facility and make operational decisions during periods when the functional unit manager or his/her designee is not readily available.(8) Officer-of-the-Day: That person designated by the functional unit manager and approved by the Assistant Director for Operations or designee to act on behalf of the functional unit manager during non-business hours and other periods in which the functional unit manager may be absent.(9) Rental Bed Inmate: An inmate sentenced to the Department of Corrections who is being housed in an Oregon jail. (10) Trust Funds: Inmate money in the care and custody of the Department of Corrections that is deposited with the State Treasurer and managed by the Department of Corrections.Or. Admin. Code § 291-027-0020
CD 7-1994, f. 3-18-94, cert. ef. 4-1-94; DOC 8-2011, f. 4-29-11, cert. ef. 5-2-11Stat. Auth.: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030 & 423.075
Stats. Implemented: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030 & 423.075