Or. Admin. Code § 291-204-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 291-204-0020 - DefinitionsDefinitions for OAR 291-204-0010-291-204-0080:
(1) Accredited Media Organization: (a) A newspaper that qualifies as a general circulation newspaper in the community in which it is published. A newspaper is one of "general circulation" if it circulates among the general public and if it publishes news of a general character of general interest to the public such as news of political, religious, commercial or social affairs. A key test to determine whether a newspaper qualifies as a "general circulation" newspaper is to determine whether the paper qualifies for the purpose of publishing legal notices in the community in which it is located or the area to which it distributes.(b) A magazine that has a national circulation and is sold by newsstands and by mail subscription to the general public.(c) A national or international wire service.(d) A radio or television program whose primary purpose is to report news, of a station holding a Federal Communications Commission license.(e) A corrections trade publication that reports on industry practices.(f) An Internet Web site affiliated with the organizations described in sections (a)-(e) above.(2) Credentials: Identification of an individual and his/her media affiliation.(3) Department of Corrections (DOC) Facility: Any institution, facility or staff office, including the grounds, operated by the Department of Corrections.(4) Functional Unit Manager: Any person within the Department of Corrections who reports to the Director, an Assistant Director or an Administrator and has responsibility for the delivery of program services or coordination of program operations. In a correctional facility, the functional unit manager is the superintendent.(5) Identifiable Inmates: With relation to photography, an inmate who is a focal or primary subject of a photograph/video. An inmate is not considered an identifiable inmate if he or she is incidental to the photo or part of a group shot.(6) Inmate: Any person under the supervision of the Department of Corrections who is not on parole, post-prison supervision, or probation status.(7) Unaffiliated persons: Freelance writers, independent filmmakers, producers, and other persons who do not meet the definition of "media representatives" in subsection (12) below.(8) Offenders: Any person under the supervision of the Department of Corrections who is on parole, post-prison supervision, or probation status.(9) Oregon Accountability Model: A plan that is designed to strengthen the department's ability to hold inmates and offenders accountable for their actions and Department staff accountable for achieving the mission and vision of the Department. (10) Public Information Officer (PIO): The person designated as the official spokesperson for a DOC facility.(11) Media Representatives: (a) Persons whose principal employment is with an accredited media organization; (b) Unaffiliated persons who produce credentials or other written documentation from an accredited media organization evidencing that the media organization has contracted with the person to purchase his/her completed work or project;(c) Unaffiliated persons who are affiliated with a Department contractor or volunteer in connection with a Department program or service; or(d) Authors of books who produce credentials or other written documentation that a commercial publisher has contracted to purchase their completed work/project.(12) Special Housing: Areas of facilities where inmates with special needs or custody concerns may be housed (e.g., intake, Administrative Segregation Unit, Disciplinary Segregation Unit, Special Management Unit (psychiatric), Death Row, infirmary and Intensive Management Unit). For the purposes of these rules, inmates pending assignment to special housing are considered the same as inmates already assigned to special housing.Or. Admin. Code § 291-204-0020
DOC 8-2006, f. & cert. ef. 8-1-06Stat. Auth.: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030, 423.075
Stats. Implemented: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030, 423.075