Or. Admin. Code § 291-013-0070
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 291-013-0070 - Planned Use of Force(1) The functional unit manager or designee will be contacted for authorization of the planned use of force involving firearms, batons, water hoses, electronic control devices, specialty impact munitions, and chemical agents other than aerosol sprays.(2) Any planned use of force shall be carried out under the personal direction of supervisory or higher-level staff, and only after consultation with and approval of the officer-in-charge. The officer-in-charge may be present when the use of force is employed if there is no anticipated danger of becoming a hostage. (a) Chemical agents, electronic control devices, batons, water force, or specialty impact munitions may be used prior to the arrival of the supervising employee if immediate use is essential to prevent and/or control death, serious injury, major disturbance or substantial destruction of property.(b) If an employee is assaulted, the employee will not participate in a planned use of force, unless no other option is available; e.g., no other employees are readily available to participate in the planned use of force.(3) A health care professional shall be contacted, if on duty at the facility, prior to the planned use of force to ensure medical assistance is readily available, if necessary, and to evaluate the adult in custody if the adult in custody is medically high risk.(4) Adults in custody designated as SMI: (a) If an adult in custody has been designated as SMI, the officer-in-charge shall consult with a BHS manager or designee before the planned use of force. If no BHS manager is on-site, the officer-in-charge will contact Medical Services, if available.(b) Based on the circumstances and if time permits, the BHS manager or designee may evaluate the adult in custody prior to the application of force.(5) Every planned use of force situation shall be videotaped, provided that time and circumstances permit. (a) The video recording should include a briefing, the use of force incident, and debriefing. The video recording should not be stopped during the use of force incident.(b) The original video recording will be stored by the functional unit in accordance with the approved retention schedules from the date of the incident, or the time stored will be extended until the resolution of pending or actual litigation, or as otherwise directed by the department's legal counsel.(c) A back-up video recording will be made and sent to the Office of the Inspector General. The Office of the Inspector General will store the back-up tape in accordance with the approved retention schedule.(d) Back-up tapes will be returned to the originating facility for disposition. A use of force video recording may be released with the approval of the functional unit manager or designee.(6) The commander shall authorize the type and amount of force used during any declared emergency at a facility except for reactive use of force.Or. Admin. Code § 291-013-0070
CD 3-1995, f. & cert. ef. 1-19-95; CD 20-1995, f. 10-26-95, cert. ef. 11-1-95; DOC 14-1998, f. & cert. ef. 6-18-98, Renumbered from 291-013-0125; DOC 15-2004, f. & cert. ef. 11-2-04; DOC 19-2008, f. & cert. ef. 8-7-08; DOC 6-2013, f. & cert. ef. 6-21-13; ; DOC 8-2015(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-9-15 thru 1-4-16; DOC 17-2015, f. & cert. ef. 10/26/2015; DOC 3-2020, amend filed 01/29/2020, effective 1/31/2020Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030 & 423.075
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 179.040, 423.020, 423.030 & 423.075