Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 166-475-0010 - Administrative Records(1)Administrative Reports Records document the annual activity of the institution and its subdivisions. This disposition includes reports prepared for OUS by the president of the institution. Final annual reports may be printed and bound or they may be less formal unpublished documents prepared for limited distribution. Report sections may include but are not limited to administrative activities; goals and objectives achieved; fiscal status; project work performed; personnel activity and accomplishments; facility changes; and related sections. This series may include but is not limited to periodic statistical reports; summarized statistical reports; copies of reports from other units; other working papers; final annual reports; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for final annual reports and periodic and summary statistical reports not reflected in the final annual report (b) Until superseded or obsolete for all other records, destroy)(2)Administrative RulesRecords Records document reviews of and changes to the institution's Administrative Rules and the annual preparation and authorization of the institution's administrative fees. Records may include but are not limited to notices of rule making with hearing notices which are published in the Oregon Bulletin; documentation of rule change hearings which may include notes, transcriptions, summaries, and tapes; reports to initiators of changes regarding outcome; final rules; Reports of Action to the State Administrative Rule Section including Certificates and Orders for Filing Permanent Administrative Rules with the Secretary of State; Notices of Proposed Adoption including statements on statutory authority, need/principle, documents relied upon, and statement of fiscal impact; lists of proposed fee schedules; reviewers' comments; administrative review reports; meeting notes from the Secretary of State Legislative Council about OAR review meetings; check-off lists; text of old rule with strike outs and changes; indices to OAR revisions; Dept. of Justice memos; and related correspondence. The Oregon Secretary of State holds statewide record copy. (Retention: 10 years after repeal of the rule, destroy)(3)Advisory Board Records Records document the activities of boards and councils that function in an advisory capacity. Boards and councils may have as their charge highly specific or broad areas of concern and include members from outside the institution. This series may include but is not limited to meeting minutes; agendas; reports; notes; working papers; audio recordings; transcriptions; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for minutes, agendas, reports, and correspondence (b) 3 years for all other records, destroy)(4)Agency Relations Records Records document the institutional interactions with local, state, national, and international government agencies, educational institutions, businesses and groups to gain their assistance with the development and coordination of institution research and instructional programs. This series may include but is not limited to reports; copies of publications; minutes; background information; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: 6 years, destroy)(5)Association and Organization Advisory Records Records document the relationship and participation of institution units in professional and educational associations and other organizations. The unit's role may be one of membership on the advisory or administrative board, participation in a task force or subcommittee, or one of membership in consortia. This series may include but is not limited to: promotional information; rules and regulations; reports; proposals and planning records; workshop and conference records; surveys and questionnaires; minutes; and related documentation and correspondence. This series does not include individual faculty or staff membership information. (Retention: 3 years, destroy)(6) Attorney General Opinions Records document responses of the State Attorney General's Office to legal questions posed by the institution's legal advisor and administrative officers which may have an impact on the institution's operations and policy. This series may include but is not limited to opinions and related documentation and correspondence. The State of Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) holds statewide record copy. (Retention: 10 years, destroy)(7)Audit Records Records document the unit's response to internal OUS and independent management, operations, and fiscal audits. This series may include but is not limited to audit reports; written responses showing how recommended changes will be implemented; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) audit reports for 20 years, destroy (b) 7 years for work papers, drafts, and all other records, destroy)(8)Awards Records Records document the process of selecting institutional faculty, staff, students and alumni to receive awards, and fellowships based on merit or achievement. The series may include but is not limited to applications; nomination letters; eligibility terms and selection criteria; recommendations; transcripts; letters of award notification or denial; letters accepting or declining awards; summary lists of winners; biographies; demonstration of need documentation; newspaper clippings and press releases; award history and information on funding sources; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for eligibility terms and selection criteria, award history and information on funding sources, award notifications, summary lists of winners, biographies of winners, and press releases (b) 1 year for all other records, destroy)(9)Committee Records Records document the activities of standing and ad hoc committees and councils made up of members from a variety of units. The committees are charged with formulating and recommending institutional policies and procedures, establishing standards and requirements, performing an advisory function, or reviewing petitions, appeals, and deviations from policy. Types of committees include administrative committees (those appointed by an administrator) and faculty senate committees (those created by the faculty senate's executive committee). They may function as steering committees, activities committees, standards committees, planning committees, academic committees, awards committees, councils, etc. Committees may be chaired by the director of a specific unit or rotate to different chairs on a regular basis. This series may include but is not limited to agendas; meeting minutes; reports; notes; working papers; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence (b) 10 years for all other records of Faculty Senate Committees, destroy (c) 2 years for all other records of other committees, destroy)(10)Cooperative Program Records Records document the institution's participation in cooperative and shared educational or research programs. Such programs may share research facilities and resources or instructional programs such as programs permitting student matriculation at member institutions. This series may include but is not limited to information on requirements and application procedures; applications and eligibility certificates; committee minutes; meeting agendas; working papers; memos of interpretation and understanding; fiscal records; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for information on requirements and application procedures, committee minutes, meeting agendas, and memos of interpretation and understanding (b) 6 years after expiration for all other records, destroy)(11)Correspondence Records that: (1) document communications created or received and filed in the course of public business; AND (2) directly relate to agency programs or administration. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel, and particular projects or programs. Disposition: File with the associated program or administrative records. Retentions for program and administrative records are found either in the Oregon University System General Records Retention Schedule (OAR 166-475) or in the institution special schedules authorized by the State Archivist. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and should be retained as needed.(12)Crisis or Disaster Records Records document the events and damages to institutional property due to storms, riots, fires, droughts, floods, and other events affecting citizens and facilities within the jurisdiction of the institution. This series may include but is not limited to diaries; logs; reports; photographs; notes which indicate or document what happened, when, and where; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: Permanent)(13)Daily Broadcast Logs Records document daily broadcast activities of the institutional radio station or television channel. Records include log sheets showing time signed on and off; any delays in broadcasting; engineer's name; announcer's name; technical difficulties; and digital broadcast records. (Retention: 2 years, destroy)(14)Daily Log Records document the day-to-day activities of the office. This series may include but is not limited to staff member daily schedules, daily work logs, appointment information, and desk calendars, regardless of format. Information recorded in a personal day planner or personal electronic device may be a public record under ORS Chapter 192. (Retention: 1 year, destroy)(15)Data Input Forms Records document paper forms that are used to create the same record in electronic form. This series may include service requests, such as work orders and mailing orders; surveys; instructor evaluations; tests; and other forms. This series does not include accounting system input documents and listings. (Retention: Until input and verified, destroy)(16)Election Records Records document elections held by various faculty and staff organizations. This series may include but is not limited to ballots; tabulations; and related documentation. (Retention: 1 year, destroy)(17)Emergency Board Request Records Records document requests made to the Legislative Emergency Board for additional funds or authority to spend funds between legislative sessions. Records may include but are not limited to requests, schedules and agendas, exhibits, organizational charts, testimony summaries, fiscal analysis, legislative progress reports, revenue projections, reclassification plans, presentation drafts, performance measures, and correspondence. The Emergency Board maintains the official copy of this information. (Retention: 5 years, destroy)(18)Faculty Senate Records Records document the proceedings and actions of an institution's faculty senate. Discussions and actions of the faculty senate deal with such areas as curriculum, program development, promotion and tenure, and legislative relations. This series may include but is not limited to meeting notes/minutes; studies; recommendations; resolutions and enactments; reports; agendas; working papers; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: Permanent)(19)Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)/Public Records Disclosure Request Records Records document public requests for information. Records include written correspondence inquiries from the public received by the university; written and dated responses issued by the university; notes and memoranda made in drafting responses to these inquiries; and initials of officials approving release of the information. (Retention: (a) approved requests 5 years, destroy. (b) denied requests 5 years after last action, destroy)(20)Gifts Records Records document potential or realized private, corporate, or public agency funding to the institution, including endowments and trusts. This series may include but is not limited to award guidelines; letters and agreements of gifts; copies of bequest instruments and wills from individuals or estates; financial statements and reports, including records of fund disbursements; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for letters and agreements of gift, copies of bequest instruments and wills from individuals or estates, and related documentation and correspondence (b) 5 years for all other records, destroy)(21)Grievance Records Records document grievances brought forward by faculty and staff against the institution and which are resolved without litigation. (Records of grievances that are litigated become part of the legal case file.) Grievances are brought forward through the faculty grievance procedure or collective bargaining agreement Records may include but are not limited to notices of grievance; informal discussion notes; grievance responses; formal hearing notes (including audio files); final summary statements; appeals documentation; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: 3 years after resolution, destroy)(22)Institutional Accreditation Records Records document the accreditation process for the institution by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges (NASC). The series provides a record of materials compiled for inclusion in a packet report sent to NASC and provided to the on-site evaluators. This series may include but is not limited to self-evaluation reports; final reports sent to accreditation organization; statistical data; working papers; NASC evaluation report; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: Permanent)(23) Institutional Addresses and Statements Records Records document speeches and statements written and delivered by institutional faculty and staff in connection with institutional business. This series may include but is not limited to final copies; audio or video recordings of the speech presentation; drafts; source materials; and working papers. (Retention: (a) 5 years for drafts, source material, and working papers, destroy (b) Permanent for all other records)(24) Institutional Cooperation and Relations Records Records document the coordination and interaction between units for the cooperative administration of programs within the institution. This series is used for monitoring, planning, and coordinating research, instructional, or administrative programs of common concern to two or more institutional units. This series may include but is not limited to copies of budget reports; activity reports; proposals; planning documents; agreements and memoranda of understanding; publicity and newspaper clippings; policy statements; working papers; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for proposals, planning documents, activity reports, policy statements, and publicity (b) 6 years after expiration for all other records, destroy)(25) Institutional Planning Records Records document the college or unit's role in the development of short-term or long-term plans for the institution. This series may include but is not limited to instructions from the president; provosts; and/or vice provosts explaining the nature and purpose of the requested strategic planning effort; internal planning committee materials; statements of objectives and goals as developed by college or unit chairs and administrators; proposals; strategic planning reports; surveys; activity reports; informational materials; working papers; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for final planning reports, proposals, goal and objective statements, and instructions and explanations of process (b) 20 years for internal planning committee materials, surveys, activity reports, working papers, informational materials, and correspondence, destroy)(26) Institutional Survey and Reporting Records (HEGIS and IPEDS) Records document compliance with U.S. Department of Education reporting requirements by verifying figures on financial, student, institutional, and faculty salary data as reported to OUS by individual OUS institutions and reporting those findings to the U.S. Department of Education. The series may also be used to provide information to the administrators and legislators, and to create other statistical reports. Records may include HEGIS (Higher Education General Information Survey) and IPEDS (Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System) completed forms for Salary, Tenure, and Fringe-Benefit of Full Time Instructional Faculty, Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education (IPEDS-F-1), Finance FY (G50-14P-F), Salaries of Full Time Instructional Faculty (G50-14P-SA), IPEDS Total Institutional Activity (G50-14P-EA), Institutional Characteristics Form (G50-14P-IC), Enrollment in Occupationally Specific Programs (G50-14P-IF), Completions for the Year reports (program ICR), AAUP (MEA-22), Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred (NC form 2300-2.1A), Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education (NC form 2300-2.3A), OCCD Degrees Granted in Post-Secondary Institutions in Oregon reports, Degrees Awarded by Oregon's Degree Granting Colleges and Universities reports, AAUP summary reports, and related working papers and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent, final reports including the HEGIS/IPEDS survey forms (b) 10 years, all other records, destroy)(27)Intramural Sports Program Records Records document the planning, implementation and operation of intramural sports programs for students, facility and staff within the institutions. Records include but are not limited to rosters, applications; enrollment records; activity records; and related correspondence (Retention: (a) 5 years after superseded for program records, destroy (b) 2 years for individual student records, destroy(28)Lectures and Lecture Series Records Records document the development and history of special lectures and continuing lectureships devoted to a variety of topics and disciplines sponsored by the institution. This series may include but is not limited to lecture committee notes; memoranda and planning materials; information on funding; financial support and honoraria records; patron information; programs and announcements; information on catering arrangements; news releases; recordings and transcripts; photographs; video recordings; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for lecture committee notes, memoranda and planning materials, programs and announcements, news releases, transcripts, video recordings, and photographs (b) 10 years for all other records, destroy)(29)Legal Case Records Records document litigation brought against the institution. Series contains case files pertaining to Affirmative Action conflicts; salary disputes; and differences in interpretation of contract language. (Retention: (a) Permanent for records of cases resulting in major policy modification, pleadings, final decisions, copies of records of the courts of cases considered historical, and summary statements (b) 6 years after final decision for all other records, destroy)(30) Legislative Relations Records Records document efforts to review and plan institutional positions on impacting legislative actions. This series may include but is not limited to: OUS Bill Review and Tracking forms; bill tracking reports; notes; copies of pending or approved legislation; working papers; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: 2 years, destroy)(31) Lobbyist Records Records document the activities of OUS employees who engage in lobbying the state government. Records may include: Lobbyist Registration Statement forms; Lobbyist Termination forms; Lobbyist Expenditure Report forms; the Oregon Government Standards & Practices Commission's Guide to Lobbying in Oregon; lobbyist listings and salary information and related documentation. The OUS Chancellor's Office maintains the system-wide record copy. (Retention: 5 years after last activity, destroy)(32)Notary Public Records Records documenting notary transactions completed by a notary public employed by OUS. OUS may retain log books by agreement with the notary public after their separation from OUS employment. OUS institutions retaining notary public log books without notary agreements should consult their attorney and/or the Secretary of State, Corporation Division for Retention instruction. (Retention: 7 years after date of commission expiration, destroy)(33)OUS and OSBHE Relations Records Records document the coordination and interaction between institutional administrative units and OUS and the OSBHE which have ultimate authority over both academic and fiscal programs. This series may include but is not limited to minutes; agendas; budget reports; dockets; notes; activity reports; proposals; fee booklets; newsletters; memos; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for minutes and agendas; (b) 1 year for notes, memos, and correspondence, destroy (c) Until superseded or obsolete for all other records, destroy)(34)Policies and Procedures Records Records document internal or external instructions, rules, and guidelines for current agency policies and procedures. This series may include but is not limited to: mission and policy statements; planning documents outlining responsibilities and goals; organizational charts; publications preparation guidelines; emergency procedures; job descriptions; guides for office procedures which often include completed samples of all forms; handbooks; desk manuals; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Retain final policy and/or procedure permanently (b) Retain all other records 1 year after policy and/or procedure adopted, destroy)(35)Professional Accreditation Records Records document the accreditation process for the colleges, units, and related programs. The series provides a record of materials compiled for inclusion in a report packet sent to the appropriate professional accreditation board for the specific program or service and usually includes statements on mission, finance, educational programs and departments/divisions make up. Most accreditation organizations produce an evaluation report based on the packet and on-site inspection which is used to determine accreditation for the units and their programs. This series may include but is not limited to self-evaluation reports; final reports sent to accreditation organization; statistical data; working papers; accreditation organization evaluation report; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for self-evaluation reports, final accreditation reports, and accreditation organization evaluation reports (b) 2 accreditation cycles for statistical reports, working papers, correspondence, and all other records, destroy).(36)Professional Membership Records Records document institutional-paid individual memberships and activities in professional organizations. These records may include but are not limited to applications for membership; certification of membership; documentation of activities; and related correspondence. (Retention: 6 years, destroy)(37)Radio and Television License Records Records document licensing of OUS campus radio stations and television channels (including distance education) with the Federal Communications Commission. Records may include FCC applications; licenses and contracts; and related correspondence. Federal regulations state that TV and radio licenses will ordinarily be renewed for 8 years unless the public interest, convenience and necessity will be served by an initial license or a renewal for a lesser term. (Retention: 10 years after expiration of license, destroy)(38)Signature Authorizations Records document the certification of the institution's employees who are authorized to sign fiscal and contractual documents. These documents serve as an aid for management control over expenditures. This series may include but is not limited to authorization date; name; sample signature; position data; remarks; and conditions. (Retention: 6 years after authorization expires, destroy)(39)Special Activity Records Records document the activities of an office which are performed in addition to its regular or main functions. Examples may include the completion of surveys and questionnaires, compilation of special studies for professional or academic associations, and special mailings. This series may include but is not limited to: arrangements documentation; working papers; questionnaires; survey forms; study designs; reports; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for final reports and study designs (b) 3 years for all other records, destroy)(40)Special Event Records Records document the efforts of a college or unit to provide informative sessions, short-courses, workshops, training programs, excursions, and celebratory events for members of the institution and the communities it serves. This series may include but is not limited to: materials on planning and arrangements; reports; promotional and publicity materials; press releases and news clippings; photographs; video recordings; presentation materials and handouts; schedules of speakers and activities; registration and attendance lists; participant evaluations; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for planning materials, reports, promotional and publicity materials, press releases, photographs, and schedules of speakers and activities (b) 2 years for all other records, destroy)(41)Staff Meeting Records Records document the meetings of the faculty and/or staff of a college, department, or office which sets policy and procedures for the unit. Participants at meetings may be composed exclusively of a mixture of faculty, staff, administrators, and managers; specialized and task oriented sub-committees composed of unit personnel are also documented as part of this record series. These meetings may concern routine matters of procedure and topics such as program development, planning, administrative and personnel management, and assessments of future needs. This series may include but is not limited to meeting notes/minutes; reports; working papers; agendas; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for meeting notes/ minutes, agendas, and reports (b) 4 years for all other records, destroy)(42)Vehicle Use Authorization and Request Records Records document permission for employees to use their private automobiles for official use and authorization of non-employees and students to use state-owned cars. Records may include but are not limited to private vehicle safety certification forms; private vehicle certificate lists; driver authorizations for students and non-employees; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: 1 year after superseded or obsolete, destroy)(43)Visiting Scholar Program Records Records document a program which allows one or more visiting scholars to assume residence on campus for an academic year or a shorter duration. This series may include but is not limited to advertisements; applicant data; arrangements and schedules; publicity and news clippings; presentation transcripts or published works; scholars activities documentation including audio recordings; and related documentation and correspondence. (Retention: (a) Permanent for applicant data, publicity, presentation transcripts, and scholars activities documentation (b) 4 years for all other records, destroy)Or. Admin. Code § 166-475-0010
OSA 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 10-11-99; OSA 2-2003, f. & cert. ef. 2-14-03; OSA 3-2004, f. & cert. ef. 7-29-04; OSA 4-2009, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-09; OSA 3-2012, f. & cert. ef. 10-29-12Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 192 & 357
Stats. Implemented: ORS 192.005-192.170 & 357.805-357.895