Or. Admin. Code § 166-400-0060
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 166-400-0060 - Student Education Records(1)Alternative School Referral Records Records document referrals sent to alternative schools seeking placement of students whose public school attendance and/or disciplinary record has been unsatisfactory. Referral form indicates acceptance or non-acceptance of student in private alternative program; funding source; signatures of referring school principal and alternative program director; student name, age, date of birth, student number; and parent's name and address. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (2)Student Athletic Activity Records Records document student eligibility and participation in interscholastic competitive sports and athletic activities, athletic event and team publicity, and athletic events scheduling. Records may include but are not limited to parental consent forms; Oregon School Activities Association eligibility forms and reports; and related documentation and correspondence. Minimum retention: 5 years after school year in which records were created. (3)Attendance Records Records document the attendance of students in school. Records may include but are not limited to teacher or school attendance register; classroom daily attendance sheet; weekly attendance and truancy records; excused and unexcused absence records; tardiness records; notes from parents/guardians; and related documentation. The attendance recorded on the Oregon Student Record is a summary of this information. SEE ALSO Oregon Student Record in this section. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (4)Behavioral Records, Major (Class/Group A) Records document major student behavioral infractions which result in the identification of students for suspensions or expulsions. Records may include but are not limited to psychological tests; personality tests; group or individual intelligence tests; individual education programs; physician statements; state or local government agency reports; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: Until student turns 21. (5)Behavioral Records, Minor (Class/Group B) Records document minor student behavioral infractions which do not result in the identification of a student for suspension, expulsion, or special education services. Records may include but are not limited to minor behavioral referrals; records of conversations; parent notes regarding student behavior; written behavioral agreements; detention records; bus citations; functional behavior assessments; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: Until end of school year. (6)Child Abuse Reports Records document suspected child abuse reported by school staff or faculty. Records may include but are not limited to notes and observations of the child, record of contact with the State Office for Services to Children and Families or law enforcement agency, and related documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (7) Child Care Facility Residency Records Records document students who live or have lived in childcare facilities, which are licensed to provide care for five or more children. Records may include but are not limited to reports filed semi-annually with the Oregon Department of Education. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (8)Certificate of Advanced Mastery (CAM) Records Records document student progress to fulfilling the State requirements for awarding of a CAM certification. Records may include but are not limited to planning records, test results, work samples, and the CAM award. Minimum retention: Until student reaches age 21 or graduates, whichever is longer. (9)Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM) Records Records document student progress to fulfilling the State requirements for awarding of a CIM certification. Records may include but are not limited to planning records, test results, and the CIM award. Minimum retention: Until student reaches age 21 or graduates, whichever is longer. (10)Compensatory Education Programs Student Records Records document the placement and participation of students in compensatory educational programs, which provide a variety of supplemental education services to children. Programs may or may not be all or partially funded from federal sources. Compensatory programs may include but are not limited to Children Living in Poverty, Migratory Children, Neglected and Delinquent Children, Bilingual Education, Native Children, Parent Involvement, and Civil Rights. Records may include but are not limited to background information, grade placement, instructional and cumulative service, student profile forms, placement evaluation forms, withdrawal records and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: (a) Retain records that show compliance with all federal program requirements: 5 years after school year in which records were created (b) Retain all other records: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (11)Compulsory Attendance Excuse Records Records document the formal excuse of a student under sixteen years of age from compulsory school attendance. Records may include but are not limited to names and addresses of student and parent or guardian; reason for request; academic information; recommendations and approval of school district; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: Until student reaches age 21 or graduates, whichever is longer. (12)Educational Programs Student Records Records document the placement and participation of students in educational programs which provide a variety of education services to children. Programs may or may not be all or partially funded from federal sources. Educational programs may include but are not limited to Talented and Gifted, Alternative Learning, Early Childhood, Professional Technical Education, School-to-Work, Cooperative Work Experience, and Distance Learning. Records may include but are not limited to background information, grade placement, instructional and cumulative service, student profile forms, placement evaluation forms, and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: (a)Records that show compliance with all federal program requirements: 5 years after school year in which records were created (b) Other records: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (13)Grade Records Records document student progress and grades awarded by teachers, and serve as the basis for the student's official academic record. Records may include test, assignment, paper, and homework scores; and final grades for students. Records may include but are not limited to teacher grade books; grade confirmation reports; grade change records; final grade rosters; and related documentation. SEE ALSO Report Cards in this section. Minimum retention: 6 years after school year in which records were created. (14)Grade Reports, Administrative Records document grades received by students in a variety of reports organized by school, class, special program, or other grouping which are used by staff and faculty. Records may include but are not limited to administrative reports, counselors' reports, teachers' reports, grade point average reports, failure reports, honor roll reports, supplemental grade reports, class lists, and other manual or computer produced reports. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (15)Grievance Records Records document grievances or complaints brought forward by students against the school, district, or ESD concerning student conduct and violations of student rights and responsibilities. Records may include but are not limited to notices of grievance; written description of the complaint; informal discussion notes; formal hearing notes (including audio tapes); summary of interviews with witnesses; final summary statements; resolution of grievance; appeals documentation; and related documentation and correspondence. Minimum retention: 3 years after resolution. (16)Education Counseling Records Records document the advice, assistance, evaluation, and educational planning provided for individual students by school guidance counselors. Records may include but are not limited to school performance and attitude; educational planning records; post-high school plans and career goals; college and scholarship applications records; letters of recommendation; list of honors and activities; information necessary for referral to social service agencies; correspondence; and related documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (17)High School Dual Program Student Records Records document student participation in programs between community colleges and high schools which offer professional, technical, and other college courses to high school students for college credit. Records may include but are not limited to program approval records; application forms; course descriptions; examinations; competency evaluations and profiles; transmittal forms; registration forms; and related documentation and correspondence. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (18)Home Schooling Records Records document the basic educational career of a student being educated in a home school program. Records may include but are not limited to notification form or letter of intent to educate student at home; testing information; test results; census reports to the Oregon Department of Education; non-compliance notices; and related correspondence and documentation. SEE ALSO Oregon Student Record in this section. Minimum retention: 75 years after school year in which records were created. (19)Inter-District Transfer Agreement Records Records document the application process for allowing a non-resident student to attend school out of district through an inter-district transfer agreement. Records may include but are not limited to procedures, administrative guidelines, inter-district transfer agreements, certificates of residency, and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: 6 years after expiration. (20)Intervention Programs Student Records Records document the assessment of students considered for referral to district-approved supplemental intervention programs and to determine appropriate follow-up actions. Programs may or may not be all or partially funded from federal sources. Programs may include but are not limited to Teen Parent, Alcohol and Drug Prevention, and Violence Prevention and Intervention. Records may include but are not limited to referrals, reports by assessment providers, consent forms, treatment and other reports, program class and support group attendance records, behavioral/discipline records, and related documentation and correspondence. Minimum retention: (a) Retain records that show compliance with all federal program requirements: 5 years after school year in which records were created (b) Retain all other records: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (21)Non-Resident Student Records Records document attendance of non-resident students attending district-financed programs; non-resident dependent children; and other non-resident students for whom the district does not pay tuition. Records are used to report attendance to the Oregon Department of Education and to document reimbursement claims from the Oregon Basic School Support Fund. Records may include but are not limited to attendance reports; basic school support fund reports; and related documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (22)Parent-Teacher Conference Records Records document a teacher's report to parents or guardians of student's progress prior to end of grading period and may indicate problem areas or areas in which student is excelling. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (23)Parental/Custodial Delegation Records Records document who has parental or custodial responsibility for a student. Records may include but are not limited to specification of rights or abridgment of rights for non-custodial parents; restraining orders and other court documents; informal documents signed by natural parent(s); and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: Until student reaches age 21 or graduates, whichever is longer. (24)Personal/Locker Search Records Records document searches of a student or student's locker. Records include student name, what was searched, when, what was found, and what report was made. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (25)Psychological Guidance and Counseling Records Records document student psychological health care responsibilities and activities performed by school or district health professionals or non-health staff. Records that are made or maintained separately and solely by a licensed health care professional who is not employed by the educational agency or institution, and are not used for education purposes of planning, are excluded from educational record provisions. See Oregon Department of Education student health record policies for further clarification. Minimum retention: Until student turns 21 or 5 years after last action. (26)Registration Records Records document registration or enrollment of students in elementary, middle, and high school. Records may include but are not limited to enrollment applications registration forms completed annually by the parent or guardian for each student at the time of admittance to school. Information contained in the records generally include student name, address, date and place of birth; parent or guardian name and address; student demographic information such as race and language spoken at home; authorization for school to act in behalf of parent or guardian in case of emergency; class scheduling data; student assignments, such as lockers, counselors, and buses; and related correspondence and documentation. Registration information may be used to create student transcripts, attendance records, and to verify or determine residency status. Minimum retention: (a) Retain completed registrations 3 years after school year in which records were created (b) Retain incomplete/withdrawn registration records 3 years after school year in which records were created. (27)Report Cards Records document the periodic report by a school about a student's social, emotional, and physical progress. Information includes but is not limited to full legal name of student; teacher's name; name and address of school; indication of attendance during reporting period; grades; and other related information. This information must be recorded on the Oregon Student Record by the beginning of the next school year. SEE ALSO Grade Records and Oregon Student Record in this section. Minimum retention: (a) If information has been recorded on Oregon Student Record: 6 years after school year in which records were created (b) If information has not been recorded on Oregon Student Record: 75 years. (28)Special Education Student Records Records document students participating in special education programs and early intervention special education services. Records may include speech/hearing, academic, motor, occupational and/or physical therapy, vision/hearing, interdisciplinary team, and classroom observation reports; records relating to student behavior including psychological and social work reports; assessments obtained through other agencies; contact sheets; severity rating scales; test result records; physician's statements; parental consent records; educational program meeting records; request for hearing records; eligibility statements; individualized education plans (IEP); individualized family service plans (IFSP); and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: (a) Records documenting speech pathology and physical therapy services: Until student reaches age 21 or 5 years after last seen, whichever is longer (b) ESD copies, if program at district level: Transfer records to home district after end of student participation (c) Readable photocopies of records necessary to document compliance with State and Federal audits retained by the former educational agency or institution when a student transfers out of district: 5 years after end of school year in which original record was created. (29)Student Health Records Records document student health care responsibilities and activities performed by school or district health professionals or non-health staff. These records are maintained by the school nurse or another individual designated by the district to maintain confidential health information. Records may include but are not limited to medication administration records; records of nursing assessment and nursing care given in the school setting; School Health Management Plans prepared by the nurse for students with special health needs, medical records from outside health care providers and health care agencies; and psychological diagnostic test reports. Health information provided to Special Education for determining eligibility and IEP activity is maintained in the Special Education record and forwarded upon transfer of the student record. School nurse records are medical records subject to issues of confidentiality and exemption from disclosure per ORS 192.496. Health record information is protected and should be treated as other student records. Records that are made or maintained separately and solely by a licensed health care professional who is not employed by the educational agency or institution, and are not used for education purposes of planning, are excluded from educational record provisions. See Oregon Department of Education student health record policies for further clarification. SEE ALSO Student Health Screening Records and Student Immunization Records in this section. Minimum retention: Until student reaches age 21 or graduates, whichever is longer. (30)Student Health Screening Records Records document the health screening status of students and mandated certifications of health. Required health screening records include vision and hearing screening results; Certificate of Immunization Status; and Tuberculosis (TB) Clearance Certificate (if required by law according to the student's birth country). Records may also include but are not limited to communications related to health and safety and directed to the school from the parent/guardian or health care provider regarding the student's attendance, participation, or activities; communications which are directed to the school by health care providers; and documentation of first aid given, and instructions sent to parents/guardians regarding these screening and first aid events. These records are part of the Student Education Record and are transferred if the student transfers to a new district. See Oregon Department of Education student health record policies for further clarification. SEE ALSO Student Health Records and Student Immunization Records in this section. Minimum retention: Until student reaches age 21 or graduates, whichever is longer. (31)Student Immunization Records Records document the immunization status of an individual student. Records include but are not limited to the Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS), which includes student identification information, vaccine history, and medical and religious exemptions, and records tracking susceptible for those students not yet completely immunized. Records must be retained as part of the Student Health Screening Record and are transferred if the student transfers to a new district. SEE ALSO Student Health Screening Records and Student Health Records in this section, and Immunization Records, Administrative in the Administrative Records section. Minimum retention: (a) Retain certificate of Immunization Status (CIS): Until student reaches age 21 or graduates whichever is longer (b) Retain immunization Status Records - Susceptible (Tracking Cards): Until student attendance ends. (32)Oregon Student Record Records document a core set of information about an individual student (including a home-schooled student) and his/her educational career, birth through age 21. Records include name and address of the educational agency or institution; full legal name of the student; student's birth date and place of birth; name of parents/guardians; date of entry into the school; name of school previously attended; subjects taken; marks received; credits earned; attendance; date of withdrawal from school; social security number (as provided on a voluntary basis by parent or eligible student); and such additional information as the educational agency or institution may prescribe. Minimum retention: (a) Retain original: 75 years (b) Retain readable photocopy retained by the former educational agency or institution when a student transfers out of district: 1 year. (33)Transfer Application Records Records document the authorization for transfer of students between schools within the district. Records may include but are not limited to applications for transfer which generally contain name and grade of student; reasons for transfer request; name of present school; name of school to which transfer is requested; authorizing signatures; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (34)Truancy Records Records document non-attendance or truancy of students in elementary, middle, or high schools. Records may include but are not limited to notices of non-attendance or truancy; staff reports; investigations; hearing records; suspension notifications; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (35)Tutoring Records Records document tutoring services provided to students. Records may include but are not limited to registration records, tutor training records, tutor personnel records, tutor class records, tutorial hours, and related documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. (36)Withdrawal Records Records document withdrawal from school by students between the ages of sixteen and eighteen by the mutual consent of parent or guardian and the school administration. Records may include but are not limited to withdrawal agreements which generally contain name and address of student and family; reason for request; student agreement not to loiter on school premises; agreement by staff to assist student with educational planning; and related correspondence and documentation. Records may also include withdrawal slips which assess student status at time of withdrawal and may include assessment of fees paid or refunded; status of textbooks, library materials, locks, and other materials used by the student; grades; attendance; and related documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created. Or. Admin. Code § 166-400-0060
OSA 6-1997, f. & cert. ef. 4-22-97; Renumbered from 166-414-0010, OSA 1-2006, f. & cert. ef. 4-17-06; OSA 2-2006, f. & cert. ef. 7-26-06; OSA 3-2009, f. & cert. ef. 6-24-09; OSA 1-2010, f. & cert. ef. 5-27-10; OSA 1-2017, f. & cert. ef. 1/13/2017Stat. Auth.: ORS 192 & 357, Other Auth. Code of Federal Regulations Title 34
Stats. Implemented: ORS 192 & 357