Or. Admin. Code § 160-100-0600

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 160-100-0600 - Refusal to Issue, Revocation, Suspension, Civil Penalties and Official Warning
(1) OAR 160-100-0610 identifies official misconduct, as defined in section 22, chapter 219, Oregon Laws 2013 and names sanctions that may be taken by the Secretary of State for first acts of official misconduct, including refusing to issue, revoking, or suspending a commission, assessing a civil penalty, or issuing an official warning.
(2) The Secretary of State may assess increasingly severe sanctions up to and including a $1500 civil penalty and revocation of a notary public's commission, where applicable, for:
(a) Failure to correct or cease official misconduct within time periods specified by the Secretary of State in a final order (final notice of assessment) or Official Warning letter;
(b) A repeated act or acts of official misconduct which occur subsequent to any previous sanction assessed by the Secretary of State for the same type of misconduct;
(c) Accumulation of more than one different notary misconducts occurring during a seven-year period.

Or. Admin. Code § 160-100-0600

SOS-AD 2-1990, f. 5-9-90, cert. ef. 7-1-90; CORP 1-1993, f. 12-29-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94, Renumbered from 164-100-0600; CORP 2-2013, f. 8-30-13, cert. ef. 9-1-13

Stat. Auth.: Sec. 26, ch.219, OL 2013

Stats. Implemented: Sec. 18, ch. 219, OL 2013