Division 457 - URBAN RENEWAL
- Section 150-457-0400 - Certification of Urban Renewal Frozen Value and Apportioning Value to Tax Code Areas
- Section 150-457-0410 - Notice to Assessor of Amounts to be Raised for Urban Renewal
- Section 150-457-0420 - Urban Renewal Certification, Calculation and Distribution
- Section 150-457.430 - Renumbered
- Section 150-457-0430 - Minimum Public Information on Division of Tax
- Section 150-457.440(2) - Renumbered
- Section 150-457.440(9) - Renumbered
- Section 150-457.440(9)-(A) - Renumbered
- Section 150-457.440(9)-(B) - Renumbered
- Section 150-457-0440 - Calculation of Urban Renewal with City Rate Phase-in
- Section 150-457.450 - Renumbered
- Section 150-457.450(1) - Renumbered
- Section 150-457-0450 - Distribution of Remaining Tax Increment Funds
- Section 150-457-0460 - Notice of Plan Adoption or Area Change