The forestland classification for western Oregon is as follows:
Land Class - Site Class
FA - I+, I, I-
FB - II, II+
FC - II-, III+
FE - III-, IV+
FF - IV, IV-
FG - V
FX - Below site V
Site class is based on Bulletin #201 tables dated 1930 and James King 50 year index tables dated 1966, topographical features, vegetation and soil types.
Or. Admin. Code § 150-321-0210
Publications: The publication(s) referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule is available from the Department of Revenue pursuant to ORS 183.360(2) and 183.355(6).
Attachment referenced is not included in rule text. Click here for PDF of attachment.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 305.100
Stats. Implemented: ORS 321.257