- Section 150-306-0050 - Supervisory Authority
- Section 150-306-0060 - Sufficiency of a Petition
- Section 150-306-0070 - Property Tax Conference Procedures
- Section 150-306-0080 - Electronic Data Transfer
- Section 150-306-0090 - Confidentiality of Appraisals of Industrial Property Made by and Contained in Department of Revenue Files
- Section 150-306-0100 - Determination of Responsibility for the Appraisal of Industrial Property
- Section 150-306-0110 - Transmission of the Values for State-Appraised Industrial Properties
- Section 150-306.115 - Renumbered
- Section 150-306.115-(A) - Renumbered
- Section 150-306.115-(C) - Renumbered
- Section 150-306-0120 - Delegation of Responsibility for Industrial Property
- Section 150-306.125 - Repealed
- Section 150-306.125(1) - Renumbered
- Section 150-306.126 - Renumbered
- Section 150-306.126-(A) - Renumbered
- Section 150-306.126-(B) - Renumbered
- Section 150-306.126-(C) - Renumbered
- Section 150-306-0130 - Oregon Land Information System Fund and the Oregon Map Project
- Section 150-306.132 - Renumbered
- Section 150-306.135 - Renumbered
- Section 150-306-0140 - Statewide Base Map System and the Oregon Land Information System Advisory Committee Role, Membership and Meetings
- Section 150-306-0200 - Application Filing by Telephonic Facsimile (FAX)
- Section 150-306.265 - Renumbered