Or. Admin. Code § 141-085-0550

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 10, October 1, 2024
Section 141-085-0550 - Application Requirements for Individual Permits
(1)Written Application Required. A person who is required to have an individual permit to remove material from the bed or banks, or fill any waters of this state, must file a written application with the Department for each individual project. A permit must be issued by the Department before performing any regulated removal-fill activity.
(2)Complete and Accurate Information Required. Failure to provide complete and accurate information in the application may be grounds for administrative closure of the application file or denial, suspension or revocation of the authorization.
(3)Fee Required for a Complete Application. For an application to be determined complete, the Department must have received the appropriate fee.
(4)Level of Detail Required May Vary. The applicant is responsible for providing sufficient detail in the application to enable the Department to render the necessary determinations and decisions. The level of documentation may vary depending on the degree of adverse impacts, the level of public interest and other factors that increase the complexity of the project.
(5)Required Information: A completed and signed application on current forms provided by the Department, including any maps, necessary photos and drawings, is required. The information must be entered in the appropriate blocks on the application form. The Department may require the applicant to submit any or all application materials electronically. The application must include all of the following:
(a) Applicant information including name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address. When the applicant is a business entity, the business must be registered with the Oregon Secretary of State Corporate Division. The exact name of the business entity, as listed with Secretary of State Corporate Division, must be entered on the application.
(b) Landowner information including name and mailing address where any removal-fill activity is proposed, and if applicable, where permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation is proposed.
(A) For the construction of a new linear facility, the applicant must provide a complete list of landowner names and mailing addresses for all landowners whose land is identified in the permit application within the alignment of the new linear facility. Mailing labels must be provided when there are more than five landowners listed in the application.
(B) For the purpose of this rule, a condemner is the landowner when:
(i) If using state condemnation authority, the condemner has complied with ORS Chapter 35, filed an eminent domain action in court and deposited the condemner's estimate of just compensation with the court for the use and benefit of the defendants, or it has a court's order authorizing its possession of the land; or
(ii) If using federal authority, the condemner has complied with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 71.1 and, if other than the United States, has a court's order authorizing its possession of the land.
(c) Project site location information including Township, Range, Quarter-quarter Section and Tax Lot(s), latitude and longitude, street location if any, and location maps with site location indicated.
(d) The location of any off-site disposal or borrow sites, if these sites contain waters of this state.
(e) Project information including:
(A) Description of all removal-fill activities associated with the project;
(B) Demonstration of independent utility to include all phases, projects or elements of the proposed project which will require removal-fill activities;
(C) Volumes of fill and removal within jurisdictional areas expressed in cubic yards;
(D) Area of removal and fill within jurisdictional areas expressed in acres to the nearest 0.01-acre for impacts greater than 0.01 of an acre or expressed in acres to the nearest 0.001-acre for impacts less than 0.01 of an acre; and
(E) Description of how the project will be accomplished including construction methods, site access and staging areas.
(f) A description of the project purpose and need for the removal or fill. All projects must have a defined purpose or purposes and the need for removal or fill activity to accomplish the project purpose must be documented. The project purpose statements and need for the removal or fill documentation must be specific enough to allow the Department to determine whether the applicant has considered a reasonable range of alternatives.
(g) Project plan views and cross-sectional views drawn to scale that clearly identify the jurisdictional boundaries of the waters of this state (e.g., wetland delineation or ordinary high water determination). Project details, such as work area footprint, impact area and approximate property boundaries must also be included so that the amount and extent of the impact to jurisdictional areas can be readily determined.
(h) A written analysis of potential changes that the project may make to the hydrologic characteristics of the waters of this state, and an explanation of measures taken to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts of those changes, such as:
(A) Impeding, restricting or increasing flows;
(B) Relocating or redirecting flow; and
(C) Potential flooding or erosion downstream of the project.
(i) A description of the existing biological and physical characteristics of the water resources, along with the identification of the adverse impacts that will result from the project.
(j) A description of the navigation, fishing and public recreation uses, when the project is proposed on state-owned land.
(k) If the proposed activity involves wetland impacts, a wetland determination or delineation report that meets the requirements in OAR 141-090 must be submitted, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Department. A wetland delineation is usually required to determine the precise acreage of wetland impact and compensatory wetland mitigation requirements. Whenever possible, wetland determination and delineation reports should be submitted for review well in advance of the permit application. Although an approved wetland delineation report is not required for application completeness, a jurisdictional determination must be obtained prior to the permit decision.
(l) Functions and values assessments that meets the requirements in OAR 141-085-0685 when permanent impacts to waters of this state are proposed.
(m) Any information known by the applicant concerning the presence of any federal or state listed species.
(n) Any information known by the applicant concerning historical, cultural and archeological resources. Information may include but is not limited to a statement on the results of consultation with impacted tribal governments and/or the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.
(o) An analysis of alternatives to derive the practicable alternative that has the least reasonably expected adverse impacts on waters of this state. The alternatives analysis must provide the Department all the underlying information to support its considerations enumerated in OAR 141-085-0565, such as:
(A) A description of alternative project sites and designs that would avoid impacts to waters of this state altogether, with an explanation of why each alternative is, or is not practicable, in light of the project purpose and need for the fill or removal;
(B) A description of alternative project sites and designs that would minimize adverse impacts to waters of this state with an explanation of why each alternative is, or is not practicable, in light of the project purpose and need;
(C) A description of methods to repair, rehabilitate or restore the impact area to rectify the adverse impacts; and
(D) A description of methods to further reduce or eliminate the impacts over time through monitoring and implementation of corrective measures.
(p) If applicable, a complete compensatory mitigation plan that meets the requirements listed in OAR 141-085-0680 through 141-085-0715 to compensate for unavoidable permanent impacts to waters of this state and a complete rehabilitation plan if unavoidable temporary impacts to waters of this state are proposed.
(q) For each proposed removal-fill activity and physical mitigation site applied for in the application, a list of the names and addresses of the adjacent landowners, including those properties located across a street or stream from the proposed project.
(A) For a new linear facility, the applicant must provide a list of the names and mailing addresses of the adjacent landowners for the new linear facility.
(B) Mailing labels must be provided by the applicant, when there are more than five names and addresses of adjacent landowners listed.
(r) A signed local government land use affidavit.
(s) A signed Coastal Zone Certification statement, if the project is in the coastal zone.
(t) Applicant Signature. Signature of the applicant must be provided. If the application is on behalf of a business entity, a certificate of incumbency must be provided to certify that the individual signing the application is authorized to do so.
(u) Landowner Signature. If the applicant is not the landowner upon which the removal-fill activity (including mitigation) is to occur and does not hold an easement allowing the activity on that land, a written authorization from the owner of the land consenting to the application must be provided.
(A) Notwithstanding the requirement set forth under Subsection (u) above, a landowner signature is not required for applications for the construction and maintenance of linear facilities; and
(B) The condemner may sign as landowner when the requirements of OAR 141-085-0550(5)(b)(B) have been met.
(v) Mitigation Site Landowner Signature. If the applicant is not the owner of the land upon which the mitigation is to occur and does not hold an easement allowing the activity on that land, a written authorization from the owner of the land consenting to the application must be provided.
(w) Inventory and Evaluation if Related to Marine Resources or Removal-Fill in Oregon's Territorial Sea. An application for a permit related to marine resources or removal-fill in the territorial sea must include all of the information required by the applicable Part of the Territorial Sea Plan. The resource inventory and effects evaluation must be provided as a stand-alone attachment to the applicant's Joint Permit Application.
(6)Additional Requirements for Estuarine Fill. If the activity is proposed in an estuary for a non-water-dependent use, a complete application must also include a written statement that describes the following:
(a) The public use of the proposed project;
(b) The public need for the proposed project; and
(c) The availability of alternative, non-estuarine sites for the proposed use.
(7)Additional Information as Requested. The Department may request additional information as necessary to make an informed decision on whether or not to issue the authorization.
(8)Waiver of Required Information. At its discretion, the Department may waive any of the information requirements listed in Section (5) of this rule for voluntary habitat restoration projects.
(9)Permit Application Modifications. A modification to a permit application may be submitted at any time prior to the permit decision. If the modification is received after the public review period, the Department may circulate the revised application again for public review. Modifications proposing significantly different or additional adverse impacts will generally be resubmitted for public review. The Department may set an expedited time frame for public review.
(10)Pre-Application Conference. An applicant may request the Department to hold a pre-application meeting. In considering whether to grant the request, the Department will consider the complexity of the project and the availability of Department staff.

Or. Admin. Code § 141-085-0550

DSL 1-2009, f. 2-13-09, cert. ef. 3-1-09; DSL 8-2009, f. 12-15-09 cert. ef. 1-1-10; DSL 1-2011, f. & cert. ef. 3-1-11; DSL 3-2012, f. 9-28-12, cert. ef. 9-29-12; DSL 3-2014, f. 8-14-14, cert. ef. 9-1-14; DSL 5-2017, amend filed 12/28/2017, effective1/1/2018; DSL 2-2019, amend filed 03/28/2019, effective 4/1/2019

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 196.825, 196.600 - 196.665 & 196.692

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 196.600 - 196.692 & 196.800 - 196.990