Or. Admin. Code § 141-010-0205
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 141-010-0205 - Definitions(1) "Applicant" -- Person who submits an application for a permit under these rules.(2) "Aggrieved Person" -- Any person who has submitted comments on an application pursuant to OAR 141-010-0230, and who objects to issuance of a permit or any terms or conditions of the permit.(3) "Board" -- State Land Board.(4) "Director" -- Director of the Department of State Lands.(5) "Department" -- Department of State Lands.(6) "Exploration" -- Geological or geophysical surveys conducted pursuant to these rules.(7) "Geological Surveys" -- Use of grab samples, geochemical sampling, and similar geological techniques to obtain information and data on oil, gas or sulphur resources.(8) "Geophysical Surveys" -- Use of magnetic, gravitational, seismic, and similar geophysical techniques to obtain information and data on oil, gas or sulphur resources. Seismic techniques include, but are not limited to, use of sparkers and acoustical pulse generators. For purposes of these rules, seismic does not include the use of explosives. NOTE: Under ORS 274 .735 - 274.745, the director is authorized to issue permits for "geological, geophysical and seismic" surveys. As indicated in these definitions, seismic surveys are a form of geophysical surveys and are intended to be included in any reference to geophysical surveys.)
(9) "Nearshore" -- Tidal submerged lands (see OAR 141-010-0205(12)) and all state-owned submerged and submersible lands lying west of a line ten miles easterly of the 124th Meridian, and the waters above them. (10) "Permittee" -- Holder of a permit issued under these rules.(11) "Person" -- A natural person, corporation, association, firm, partnership, joint stock company, quasi-public corporation, political subdivision, and governmental agencies or instrumentalities.(12) "Tidal Submerged Lands" -- Lands lying below the line of Mean Low Tide in the beds of all tidal waters within the boundaries of this state as heretofore or hereafter established.Or. Admin. Code § 141-010-0205
LB 7-1986, f. & ef. 7-18-86Stat. Auth.: ORS 274
Stats. Implemented: ORS 274 .735