Or. Admin. Code § 137-046-0300

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 10, October 1, 2024
Section 137-046-0300 - Preference for Oregon Goods and Services
(1) Tiebreaker Preference and Award When Offers Are Identical. Under ORS 279A.120, when a Contracting Agency receives Offers identical in price, fitness, availability and quality, and chooses to Award a Contract, the Contracting Agency shall Award the Contract based on the following order of precedence:
(a) The Contracting Agency shall Award the Contract to the Offeror among those submitting identical Offers who is offering Goods or Services, or both, or Personal Services, that are manufactured, produced or to be performed in Oregon.
(b) If two or more Offerors submit identical Offers, and they all offer Goods or Services, or both, or Personal Services, that are manufactured, produced or to be performed in Oregon, the Contracting Agency shall Award the Contract by drawing lots among the identical Offers. The Contracting Agency shall provide the Offerors who submitted the identical Offers notice of the date, time and location of the drawing of lots and an opportunity for these Offerors to be present when the lots are drawn.
(c) If the Contracting Agency receives identical Offers, and none of the identical Offers offer Goods or Services, or both, or Personal Services, that are manufactured, produced or to be performed in Oregon, then the Contracting Agency shall award the Contract by drawing lots among the identical Offers. The Contracting Agency shall provide to the Offerors who submitted the identical Offers notice of the date, time and location of the drawing of lots and an opportunity for these Offerors to be present when the lots are drawn.
(2) Determining if Offers are Identical. A Contracting Agency shall consider Offers identical in price, fitness, availability and quality as follows:
(a) Bids received in response to an Invitation to Bid are identical in price, fitness, availability and quality if the Bids are Responsive, and offer the Goods or Services, or both, or Personal Services, described in the Invitation to Bid at the same price.
(b) Proposals received in response to a Request for Proposals are identical in price, fitness, availability and quality if they are Responsive and achieve equal scores when scored in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in the Request for Proposals.
(c) Offers received in response to a Special Procurement conducted under ORS 279B.085 are identical in price, fitness, availability and quality if, after completing the contracting procedure approved by the Contract Review Authority, the Contracting Agency determines, in Writing, that two or more Offers are equally advantageous to the Contracting Agency.
(d) Offers received in response to an intermediate Procurement conducted pursuant to ORS 279B.070 are identical if the Offers equally best serve the interests of the Contracting Agency in accordance with 279B.070(4).
(3) Determining if Goods or Services or Personal Services are Manufactured or Produced in Oregon. In applying Section 1 of this rule, Contracting Agencies shall determine whether a Contract is predominantly for Goods, Services or Personal Services and then use the predominant purpose to determine if the Goods, Services or Personal Services are manufactured, produced, or performed in Oregon. Contracting Agencies may request, either in a Solicitation Document, following Closing, or at any other time the Contracting Agency determines is appropriate, any information the Contracting Agency may need to determine if the Goods, Services or Personal Services are manufactured or produced in Oregon. A Contracting Agency may use any reasonable criteria to determine if Goods, Services or Personal Services are manufactured, produced, or performed in Oregon, provided that the criteria reasonably relate to that determination, and provided that the Contracting Agency applies those criteria equally to each Offer.
(4) Procedure for Drawing Lots. When this rule calls for the drawing of lots, the Contracting Agency shall draw lots by a procedure that affords each Offeror subject to the drawing a substantially equal probability of selection and that does not allow the person making the selection the opportunity to manipulate the drawing of lots to increase the probability of selecting one Offeror over another.
(5) Discretionary Preference and Award. Under ORS 279A.128, a Contracting Agency may provide, in a Solicitation Document for Goods, Services or Personal Services, a specified percentage preference of not more than ten percent for (i) Goods fabricated or processed entirely in Oregon or Services or Personal Services performed entirely in Oregon or (ii) for goods or services provided by a benefit company that is incorporated, organized, formed or created under ORS 60.754 and has the majority of the benefit company's regular, full-time workforce located in this state, if the goods or services cost not more than five percent more than the goods or services available from a contractor that is not a benefit company. When the Contracting Agency provides for a preference under this Section, and more than one Offeror qualifies for the preference, the Contracting Agency may give a further preference to a qualifying Offeror that resides in or is headquartered in Oregon. A Contracting Agency may establish a preference percentage higher than ten percent by written order that finds good cause to establish the higher percentage and which explains the Contracting Agency's reasons and evidence for finding good cause to establish a higher percentage. A Contracting Agency may not apply the preferences described in this Section in a Procurement for emergency work, minor alterations, ordinary repairs or maintenance of public improvements, or construction work that is described in ORS 297C.320.

Or. Admin. Code § 137-046-0300

DOJ 11-2004, f. 9-1-04, cert. ef. 3-1-05; DOJ 20-2005, f. 12-27-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; DOJ 10-2011, f. 11-29-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12; DOJ 8-2012, f. 7-2-12, cert. ef. 8-1-12; DOJ 24-2023, amend filed 12/22/2023, effective 1/1/2024

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 279A.065, OL 2011 & ch 237

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 279A.065, ch 237, ORS 279A.120 & ORS 279A.128