Example 1: Gary is employed by an agency and receives PEBB benefits. On May 20 Gary begins a leave without pay that does not provide for continued benefits throughout the leave. Gary worked more than 80 hours in May, and the agency correctly schedules his benefit coverage end date as June 30. Gary returns to paid regular status June 5, within 30 days of the leave start and with no break in core coverage. If Gary is in a current benefit eligible stability period, his return to paid regular status will reinstate his coverage for July 1. If he is not in a current benefit eligible stability period, he must work 80 hours in June for his coverage to continue in July. Gary cannot make any election changes to his enrollments.
Example 2: Mark terminates employment at his agency on May 31. At the time of his termination he is in a current benefit stability period. . Mark had 80 paid hours in the month of May; therefore, his agency ends his coverage on June 30. Mark is rehired by an agency as a temporary employee, his hire date is July 1. This is less than 30 days; however, a break in coverage occurred on June 30. Even if Mark is in a current benefit eligible stability period his benefits will not be reinstated until August 1.
Or. Admin. Code § 101-020-0045
Stat. Auth.: ORS 243.061 - 302
Stats. Implemented: ORS 243.061 - 302 & 659A.060-069