Subchapter 13 - Commercial Hunt Areas
- Section 800:25-13-1 - Purpose
- Section 800:25-13-2 - Statutory citations
- Section 800:25-13-3 - General provisions
- Section 800:25-13-4 - Application and fees [REVOKED]
- Section 800:25-13-5 - Acreage requirements [REVOKED]
- Section 800:25-13-6 - Facility requirements
- Section 800:25-13-7 - Signing requirements [REVOKED]
- Section 800:25-13-8 - Import requirements [REVOKED]
- Section 800:25-13-9 - Tagging requirements
- Section 800:25-13-10 - Records requirements
- Section 800:25-13-11 - Trapping and release of birds requirements