Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
- Section 785:5-1-1 - Purpose
- Section 785:5-1-2 - Definitions
- Section 785:5-1-3 - Board to charge and collect fees
- Section 785:5-1-4 - Special fund
- Section 785:5-1-5 - Weather modification license and permit fees
- Section 785:5-1-6 - Stream water permit application and administration fees
- Section 785:5-1-7 - Watercourse reclamation permit fee [REVOKED]
- Section 785:5-1-8 - Release of easement or easement deed fees
- Section 785:5-1-9 - Dam safety and inspection fees
- Section 785:5-1-10 - Groundwater application and administration fees
- Section 785:5-1-11 - Well driller and pump installer licensing fees
- Section 785:5-1-12 - Waste Disposal Permit fees [REVOKED]
- Section 785:5-1-13 - Laboratory certification fees [REVOKED]
- Section 785:5-1-14 - Stream Water and Groundwater petition fees
- Section 785:5-1-15 - Fees for reproduction, maps and publications
- Section 785:5-1-16 - Fees required in other matters
- Section 785:5-1-17 - Loan application fees
- Section 785:5-1-18 - Development application fees
- Section 785:5-1-19 - Request for Water Quality Standards site specific criteria fee
- Section 785:5-1-20 - Aquifer storage and recovery permit fees
- Section 785:5-1-21 - Documentation reviews related water trapped in producing mines