Subchapter 7 - Conduct of Hearings
- Section 785:4-7-1 - Opening of hearings and general supervision of hearings
- Section 785:4-7-2 - Proper notice
- Section 785:4-7-3 - Appearances
- Section 785:4-7-4 - Presentation of evidence and examination of witnesses
- Section 785:4-7-5 - Evidence
- Section 785:4-7-6 - Waiving necessity of oral testimony
- Section 785:4-7-7 - Evidence by reference and official notice
- Section 785:4-7-8 - Evidentiary objections and exceptions
- Section 785:4-7-9 - Hearing continuances, adjournments and leaving the record open
- Section 785:4-7-10 - Proposed order of parties
- Section 785:4-7-11 - Closing the record and submission of cause for ruling