Subchapter 5 - Groundwater Permits
- Section 785:30-5-1 - Regular permit
- Section 785:30-5-2 - Temporary permits
- Section 785:30-5-3 - Special permits
- Section 785:30-5-4 - Provisional temporary permits
- Section 785:30-5-4.1 - Limited quantity permits
- Section 785:30-5-5 - Contents of permits
- Section 785:30-5-6 - Acceptance of permit by permittee
- Section 785:30-5-7 - Cancellation or suspension of permits
- Section 785:30-5-8 - Voluntary surrender of permits
- Section 785:30-5-9 - Annual reports of water use
- Section 785:30-5-10 - Marginal water permits