Okla. Admin. Code § 777:1-1-6

Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 777:1-1-6 - [Effective until 9/14/2025] Records requests
(a)Custodian of records. The Statewide Charter School Board may designate a records custodian. In absence of a records custodian designated by the Statewide Charter School Board, the records custodian of the Statewide Charter School Board shall be deemed to be the Statewide Charter School Board.
(b)Procedure for records requests. Any individual or group seeking access to public records maintained by the Statewide Charter School Board (the "Requester") shall submit a written request to the Statewide Charter School Board records custodian, by fax, email, regular mail or in person. A form is available on the Board's website. In addition, all records requests must comply with the Open Records Act at 51 O.S. § 24A.1 et seq. and all of the following provisions:
(1) All records requests must include:
(A) Identification and contact information of the individual and/or entity making the request;
(B) A description of the records requested with sufficient detail necessary to enable the records custodian to reasonably identify whether records responsive to the request exist; and
(C) If the Requester claims the public interest exemption from search fees in accordance with the provisions of (d) of this Section, all information necessary for the records custodian to determine the applicability of the exemption.
(2) Within a prompt and reasonable time of the date of receipt of the request, the records custodian shall review the request, seek any additional information from the Requester necessary to clarify the request, and shall ascertain whether any records responsive to the request exist.
(3) In addition, the records custodian shall promptly notify the Requester if records responsive to the request exist and whether the search will incur any fees and costs pursuant to 51 O.S. § 24A.5.
(4) If the Requester fails to furnish additional information reasonably necessary to identify the records sought or otherwise enable agency personnel to accurately process the request, or if fees and costs have not been paid, any further processing of the request may be suspended by the records custodian. A request that remains suspended for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days or more shall be deemed abandoned
(c)Fees for record searches and copies of records. Fees and costs associated with record searches and providing copies of records shall be determined in accordance with the following procedures:
(1)Fees to recover reasonable and direct costs of record searches. Requests for individual records of persons that are either solely for commercial purposes or requests that cause an excessive disruption of the essential functions of the agency are subject to fees for recovery of the reasonable, direct costs of record searches. However, requesters shall be exempted from search fees when the release of the requested records is in the public interest, including, but not limited to, release of records in response to requests from:
(A) News media;
(B) Scholars;
(C) Authors; and
(D) Taxpayers seeking to determine whether those entrusted with the affairs of the government are honestly, faithfully, and competently performing their duties as public servants.
(2)Fees to recover reasonable and direct costs of record copies. Requests for records are subject to fees for recovery of the reasonable, direct costs of copying records and/or certification of each individual copy of a record.
(A) For purposes of this paragraph, "copying" of a record may include costs of:
(i) Mechanical reproduction of a paper ("hard copy") record; or
(ii) Conversion of a record into an electronic format (e.g., pdf).
(B) In no instance shall the fees per page fee for copying and/or certification of individual copies of documents exceed the amount set forth in 51 O.S. § 25A.5(3).
(C) The Board is authorized to periodically review and adjust the rates that will be charged for providing copies of records in accordance with the law. Those rates will include costs for record copies, document searches and transcript rates. The rates will be posted at principal office of the Statewide Charter School Board and filed with the county clerk as required by law.
(D) All fees and/or costs shall be paid by the requester prior to delivery of the response to the request. All fees must be paid by check or money order. No cash will be accepted.

Okla. Admin. Code § 777:1-1-6

Adopted by Oklahoma Register, Volume 31, Issue 24, September 2, 2014, eff. 9/12/2014
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 33, Issue 24, September 1, 2016, eff. 9/11/2016
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 39, Issue 24, September 1, 2022, eff. 9/11/2022
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 42, Issue 7, December 16, 2024, eff. 10/10/2024, exp. 9/14/2025 (Emergency)