Okla. Admin. Code § 75:30-1-2

Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 75:30-1-2 - Definitions

The following words or terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the defined meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Admission" means to accept a client for services or treatment.

"Advocacy" means the assistance provided which supports, supplements, intervenes and/or links the client and their dependents with the appropriate service components to encourage self-determination, autonomy, physical and emotional safety, and to offer information that will support independence. This can be viewed as a combination of active listening and facilitating personal problem solving along with researching options of action, safety planning, community outreach and education; it may include medical, dental, financial, employment, legal and housing assistance.

"Advocate" means a person, who offers clients appropriate services.

"Assessment" means an appropriate course of assistance based on a face-to-face formal screening.

"Behavioral Health Professional" means either licensed or under supervision for licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Behavioral Practitioner, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, psychiatrist or psychologist with clients in individual, group or family settings to promote positive emotional or behavioral change. A practicum student or intern in an accredited graduate program in preparation for one of the above licenses may provide counseling to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human sex trafficking or stalking and their dependents.

"Business day" shall mean a calendar day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday. In computing any period of time where the last day would fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday, the period shall run until 5:00 P.M. of the next business day.

"Case consultation" means review of a client's case by the primary service provider and other program personnel, consultants or both.

"Case management" means a professional practice in which the service recipient is a partner, to the greatest extent possible, in assessing needs, defining desired outcomes, obtaining services, treatments, and supports, and in preventing and managing crisis. Case management is a central service that includes: explanation of social services, service system advocacy, basic case coordination, assessments, and service plan development. It may also include transportation, translation, emotional support and counseling depending upon the training and resources of the case manager.

"Case manager" means someone with experience serving victims of crime, human sex trafficking victims, refugees, immigrants, crime victims or other related populations. Ideally, they will have received specific training to serve trafficking victims. The Case Manager will ensure that victims receive the services they need and facilitate access to community services.

"Certification" means a process that the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS or ORR) uses to officially say that a person is a victim of a severe form of human sex trafficking. Advocates assisting victims of human sex trafficking can assist in the certification process by informing victims of their rights generally, and working with law enforcement and attorneys to ensure that they understand and advocate for the victim's individual needs once certified.

"Certified adult victims of human sex trafficking program" means a status which is granted to an entity by the Oklahoma Attorney General, and indicates approval to offer Program facilities and /or services pursuant to 74 O.S. § 18p-6. In accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, 75 O.S. § 250.3(8), certification is defined as a "license."

"Child" or "Children" means any unmarried individual from birth to eighteen years of age.

"Children's Activities" means direct child contact that is temporary in nature and is not intended to address the effects of human sex trafficking, sexual assault/abuse and trauma on children i.e. special events such as Christmas parties, Easter egg hunts, that is supervised by program personnel or volunteers.

"Children's Services" means direct child contact that is intended to address the effects of human sex trafficking, sexual assault/abuse and trauma on children including but not limited to intake, needs assessment, groups, advocacy and any other service related to human sex trafficking, sexual assault/abuse and trauma.

"Client" means an adult individual who has applied for, is receiving or has received assistance or services of a certified sexual assault program for adult victims of human sex trafficking.

"Client record" includes, but is not limited to, all communication, records and information on an individual client.

"Coercion" means compelling, forcing, or intimidating a person to act by:

(A) Threats of harm or physical restraining against any person
(B) Any act, scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that performing or failing to perform, an act would result in serious physical, financial, or emotional harm or distress to or physical restraint against any person,
(C) The abuse or threatened abuse of the law or legal process,
(D) Knowingly destroying, concealing, removing, confiscating or possessing any actual or purported passport, labor or immigration document, including but no limited to a driver license or birth certificate, of another person.
(E) Facilitating or controlling a person's access to any addictive or controlled substance other than for legal medical purposes
(F) Blackmail,
(G) Demanding or claiming money, goods, or any other thing of value from or on behalf of a prostituted person where such demand or claim arises from or is directly related to the act of prostitution
(H) Determining, dictating or setting the times at which another person will be available to engage in an act of prostitution with a third party
(I) Determining, dictating, or setting the places at which another person will be available for solicitation of, or to engage in prostitution with a third party
(J) Determining, dictating or setting the places at which another person will reside for purposes of making such person available to engage in an act of prostitution with a third party.

"Commercial sex" means any form of commercial sexual activity such as sexually explicit performances, prostitution, participation in the production of pornography, performance in a strip club, or exotic dancing or display.

"Community" means the people, groups, agencies or other facilities within the locality served by the program.

"Contract" means a formal document adopted by the governing authority of the program and any other organization, agency, or individual that specifies services, personnel or space to be provided to the program and the monies to be expended in exchange.

"Court advocate" means a qualified, trained staff or volunteer whose duties are to offer assistance to victims and any dependents in legal matters relevant to their situation. A Court Advocate provides court advocacy through support, information, assistance, safety planning, accompaniment and intervention with any aspect of the civil or criminal legal system on behalf of a victim of human sex trafficking. Court Advocates shall not act as licensed attorneys and are not permitted to give legal advice, unless such person is a licensed attorney in the state of Oklahoma.

"Counseling" means face-to-face or virtual therapeutic session with one-on-one interaction between a licensed behavioral health professional and an individual to promote emotional and/or behavioral change focused on victim safety and perpetrator accountability. Those individuals providing professional therapy to adult/child victims/survivors of human sex trafficking as a result of sexual violence understand that victims of trafficking may exhibit depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, memory problems, fear, suspicion, rape trauma syndrome and physical distress as a result of the psychological stress, such as headaches, stomach aches, chest pain and numbing of parts of the body. Interviews requiring them to recount their experiences can trigger these behaviors. Initially, many victims may be more comfortable with less formal, supportive counseling or "conversations" (not counseling) geared toward immediate problem solving, adjusting to life at the center and coping with loneliness and isolation from their communities.

"Crisis intervention" means short-term, immediate assistance and advocacy given by phone, virtually, or in person to adult victims of human sex trafficking. Crisis intervention services include but are not limited to assessing dangerousness, safety planning, information about available legal remedies, establishing rapport and communication, identifying major problems, exploring feelings and providing support, exploring possible alternatives, and/or formulating an action plan and follow-up measures.

"Critical incident" means an occurrence or set of events inconsistent with the routine operation of the facility, or the routine care of a client. Critical incidents specifically include but are not necessarily limited to the following: adverse drug events; self-destructive behavior; deaths and injuries to clients, personnel, volunteers and visitors; incidents involving medication; neglect or abuse of a client; fire; unauthorized disclosure of information; damage to or theft of property belonging to a client or the facility; other unexpected occurrences; or events potentially subject to litigation. A critical incident may involve multiple individuals or results.

"Cultural diversity" means the spectrum of differences that exists among groups of people with definable and unique cultural backgrounds.

"Danger assessment" or "Threat assessment" means, for the purposes of human trafficking, a tool to determine the level and immediacy of threat posed to a victim or at risk person who may be currently or threat in the future of being labor or sex trafficked. There is currently no single tool prescribed in Oklahoma for assessing danger or threat in regards to human trafficking specifically. Certified service providers in Oklahoma have leeway to determine the best tool to use specifically with the victim at the time of the assessment. The OAG or other governing body may, in the future, prescribe an assessment protocol specifically for human trafficking.

"Debt bondage" means the status or condition of a debtor arising from a pledge by the debtor of his or her personal services or of those of a person under his or her control as a security for debt if the value of those services as reasonably assesses is not applied toward the liquidation of the debt or the length and nature of those services are not respectively limited and defined.

"Direct services" means services delivered by a qualified staff member or volunteer, in direct contact with a client including telephone or other electronic contact.

"Director" means the person hired by the governing authority to direct all the activities of the organization.

"Documentation" means the provision of written, dated and authenticated evidence to substantiate compliance with standards, e.g., minutes of meetings, memoranda, schedules, notices, logs, records, policies, procedures, announcements, correspondence, services, and photographs.

"Education" means the dissemination of relevant information specifically focused on increasing the awareness of the community and the receptivity and sensitivity to human sex trafficking problems and services and may include a systematic presentation of selected information to impart knowledge or instructions, to increase understanding of specific issues or programs, to examine attitude or behaviors and stimulate social action or community support of the program and its clients.

"Emergency services" or "crisis services" means a twenty-four (24) hour capability for danger assessment, intervention and resolution of a client crisis or emergency that is provided in response to unanticipated, unscheduled emergencies requiring prompt intervention.

"Emergency transportation" means transportation for a victim of human sex trafficking to a secured identified location at which emergency services or crisis services can be offered.

"Executive director" or "Chief Executive Officer" or "CEO" means the person in charge of a facility as defined in this section.

"Facility" means the physical location(s) of a certified program governed by this chapter of Title 75.

"Family" means the children, spouse, parents, brothers, sisters, other relatives, foster parents, guardians and others who perform the roles and functions of family members in the lives of clients.

"Governing authority" means a group of persons having the legal authority, and final responsibility for the operations and functions of the entire certified adult victims of human sex trafficking program, or Program facilities, in and of all geographical locations and administrative divisions.

"Group counseling" means a face-to-face or virtual therapeutic session with a group of adult/child victims/survivors to promote emotional or behavioral change. Those individuals providing professional therapy to victims/survivors of human sex trafficking must be prepared to provide education and information about:

(A) Physical and emotional safety;
(B) How perpetrators maintain control and dominance over their victims;
(C) The need to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions; and
(D) The recognition that individuals victimized are not responsible for a perpetrator's violent behavior, and the role of society in perpetuating violence against women and the social change necessary to eliminate violence against women, including the elimination of discrimination based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, disabilities, economic or educational status, religion or national origin.

"Guardian" means an individual who has been given the legal authority for managing the affairs of another individual.

"Indirect services" means services delivered by a staff member or volunteer, that does not involve direct services with a client or client's child.

"Initial contact" means a person's first contact with the program or facility requesting information or service by telephone or in person.

"Intake" means an interaction intended to discover what has happened, determine what the crisis is, assess dangerousness indicators, do safety planning, and/or establish the immediate needs of adult victims and any dependents of human sex trafficking to determine appropriate services and referrals. This includes interaction with an individual determined to be appropriate for ongoing service in order to obtain basic demographic information, gather vital information on the adult and the children, orient the victim/survivor to the program, program rules, and, if applicable, the facilities. Cultural needs should also be identified at this time.

"Language Interpretation" means activities that involve a client who is deaf or hearing impaired or has limited English proficiency requiring an interpreter for a staff member or volunteers to offer services.

"Licensure" means the official or legal permission to persons or health facilities meeting qualifications to engage in a given occupation or use a particular title.

"Medical care" means those diagnostic and treatment services which can only be provided or supervised by a licensed physician.

"Medication" means any drug that is legally in the possession of the client, his/her children, or a person seeking admittance to the Program facilities or his/her children; this definition includes prescription medications and medications available for legal purchase without a prescription.

"Mental health services" means a range of diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative services used in treating mental illness or emotional disorders, including substance abuse.

"Neglect" means failing to provide adequate personal care or maintenance, or access to medical care which results or may result in physical or mental injury or harm to a client.

"OAG" means the Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General.

"Objectives" means a specific statement of planned accomplishments or results which are quantitative, qualitative, time-limited and realistic.

"Oklahoma Administrative Code" or "OAC" means the publication authorized by 75 O.S. § 256 known as The Oklahoma Administrative Code, or, prior to its publication, the compilation of codified rules authorized by 75 O.S. § 256(A)(1)(a) and maintained in the Office of Administrative Rules.

"Operation" means that clients are receiving services offered by the program.

"Personnel record" means a file containing the employment history and actions relevant to individual personnel and volunteer activities within an organization such as application, evaluation, salary data, job description, citations, credentials, etc.

"Persons with special needs" means persons with a condition which is considered a disability or impairment under the "American with Disabilities Act of 1990" including, but not limited to the deaf and hard of hearing, blind, physically disabled, developmentally disabled, persons with disabling illness, persons with mental illness. See "Americans with Disabilities Handbook," published by U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and U.S. Department of Justice.

"Policies" means statements of program intent, strategy, principle, or rules for providing effective and ethical services.

"Primary Victim" means a client who has experienced human sex trafficking or the consequences of the crimes first hand.

"Procedures" means the standard methods by which policies are implemented.

"Program" means a set of activities designed and structured to achieve specific objectives relative to the needs of the clients.

"Program evaluation" means the documented assessment activities, performed internally or externally, of a program or a service and its governing authority, staff, volunteers, activities and planning process to determine whether program goals are met, staff, volunteers, and activities are effective, and what effect, if any a program or service has on the problem which it was created to address or on the population which it was created to serve.

"Program goals" means broad general statements of purpose or intent.

"Qualified staff" means someone who has met the criteria for provision of direct services as defined in 75:30-11-12.

"Release" or "Waiver" means consent that is informed, written and reasonably time-limited. The terms may be used interchangeably to mean the same thing. 'Release' implies that confidential information is released (despite confidentiality or privilege protection), and 'Waiver' implies waiving the right (to maintain privilege). If release of information is compelled by statutory or court mandate, the program shall make reasonable attempts to provide notice to victims affected by the disclosure of information and take steps necessary to protect the privacy and safety of the persons affected by the release of the information.

"Referral" means information disseminated and/or coordinated access to agency and community services to meet victim's/survivor's and their dependents identified needs.

"Safety Planning" means the process of working with the victim/survivor to develop tools in advance of potential abuse or violence for the immediate and long term safety of the victim/survivor. The plans should be based on the individual's situation and should include the safety needs of dependents. In some cases, h uman sex trafficking victims may face danger from organized crime, and the levels of danger depend on a host of factors including how much a victim's testimony can harm the perpetrators and how violent and extensive a human sex trafficking organization may be. Additional risks may include isolation due to inability to speak English and distrust of law enforcement and the criminal justice system and unfamiliarity with ways to seek help and safety.

"Screening" means the process of determining, preliminarily, the nature and extent of an individual's problem in order to establish the service needs. At a minimum, a screening shall include a brief personal history related to victimization, a review of the individual's strengths and resources, risk factors and referral needs.

"Secondary Victim" means a person with a relationship with the primary victim.

"Self Determination" means the right to make one's own choices.

"Service agreement" means a written agreement between two or more service agencies and individual service providers defining the roles and responsibilities of each party. The purpose of service agreements is to promote coordination and integration of service programs for the purpose of curbing fragmentation and unnecessary service duplication in order to assure a continuation of services.

"Service note" means the documentation of the time, date, location and description of services offered or provided, and signature, including electronic signature of staff or volunteer offering or providing the services.

"Service plan" means a plan of action developed and agreed upon by the client and service provider that contains service appropriate goals and objectives for the client.

"Sexual Assault" means a range of behaviors, including but not limited to rape, attempted rape, sexual battery, human sex trafficking, sexual abuse of children, sodomy and sexual harassment.

"Sexual assault services" means personal advocacy and support services provided to adult victims of human sex trafficking in settings such as law enforcement, medical settings or program offices.

"Sex trafficking" also known as "Human Trafficking for Commercial Sex" means recruiting, enticing, harboring, maintaining, transporting, providing or obtaining, by any means, another person through deception, force, fraud, threat or coercion for purposes of engaging the person in a commercial sex act, or benefiting, financially or by receiving anything of value, from participating in a venture that has engaged in an act of human sex trafficking for commercial sex.

"Residential Program services" means a certified residential living arrangement in a secure setting with support and advocacy services provided by qualified staff, for adult victims of sexual assault as a result of human sex trafficking and their dependents.

"Staff" means personnel who function with a defined role within the program whether full-time, part-time or contracted.

"Substance Abuse Services" means the assessment and treatment of diagnosable substance abuse and dependence disorders, as defined by current DSM criteria, by qualified alcohol and drug treatment professionals.

"Support" or "Supportive Services" means the provision of direct services to victims and their dependents for the purposes of preventing further violence, helping such victims to gain access to civil and criminal courts and other community services, facilitating the efforts of such victims to make decisions concerning their lives in the interest of safety, and assisting such victims in healing from the effects of human sex trafficking.

"Transitional living services" means temporary, independent living programs with support services provided by the staff or volunteers of the sponsoring human sex trafficking program. These services are extensions of human sex trafficking shelter services to victims of human sex trafficking and their dependents. These services permit victims to develop their financial capacity and other means to live independently.

"Trauma-informed services" means a service approach that recognizes the impact of trauma and acknowledges the role of trauma in the lives of victims/survivors and their dependents.

"Universal precautions for transmission of infectious diseases" means those guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration which are designed to prevent the transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, hepatitis and other infectious diseases.

"Update" means a dated and signed review of a report, plan or program with or without revision.

"Voluntary Services" means a program shall not mandate participation in supportive services as a condition of program facility residency or emergency services (Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (42 U.S.C. 10408)

"Volunteer" means any person who is not on the program's payroll, but provides either indirect or direct services and fulfills a defined role within the program and includes interns and practicum students.

Okla. Admin. Code § 75:30-1-2

Added at 28 Ok Reg 1931, eff 7-11-11
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 31, Issue 24, September 2, 2014, eff. 9/12/2014
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 33, Issue 24, September 1, 2016, eff. 9/11/2016
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 36, Issue 23, August 15, 2019, eff. 9/13/2019
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 41, Issue 21, July 15, 2024, eff. 7/25/2024