The following words or terms, when used in this Chapter, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Certification" means a status which is granted to a program by the Oklahoma Attorney General, and indicates approval to provide a particular service. In accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, 75 O.S. § 250.3(8), certification is defined as a "license."
"Certification report" means a written notice of the deficiencies developed by the Office of the Attorney General.
"Certified facility" means any facility which has received a certification status by the Oklahoma Attorney General.
"Conditional Certification" means a status which is granted to a program by the Oklahoma Attorney General, and indicates approval to provide a particular service or services for a specified period of time, typically four (4) months) in order to give a renewal applicant an opportunity to achieve 100% compliance with applicable rules.
"Contractor" or "contractors" means any program under contract with the Office of the Attorney General for the provision of goods, products or services.
"Entities" or "entity" means sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies.
"Facilities" or "facility" means entities as described in 74 O.S. § 18p-6 and Chapters 15, 25 and 30 in Title 75 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code, domestic violence shelters and programs, sexual assault programs, including programs serving adult victims of sex trafficking, and batterers intervention programs.
"Individual proceeding" means the formal process employed by an agency having jurisdiction by law to resolve issues of law or fact between parties and which results in the exercise of discretion of a judicial nature.
"Levels of performance" means a unit of service by types of service.
"Oklahoma Administrative Code" or "OAC" means the publication authorized by 75 O.S. § 256 known as The Oklahoma Administrative Code, or, prior to its publication, the compilation of codified rules authorized by 75 O.S. § 256(A)(1)(a) and maintained in the Office of Administrative Rules.
"Probationary certification" means a certification status granted for a period less than three (3) years.
"Program" means a domestic violence shelter, domestic violence program, sexual assault program, adult human sex trafficking program or batterers intervention program pursuant 74 O.S. § 18p-6.
"Reimbursement rates" means the rates at which all contractors are reimbursed (paid) for services they provide under their contract with the Office of the Attorney General, and which are reported to the Office of the Attorney General as required.
"Respondent" means the person(s) or entity(ies) named in a petition for an individual proceeding against whom relief is sought.
"Site Review Protocol" means an Office of the Attorney General internal document used by the Office of the Attorney General Victims Services Unit staff as a work document in the certification site visit(s) that is based primarily upon the rules (standards/criteria) being reviewed. The Site Review Protocol is used in preparing the Certification Report, which is provided to the facility, and in preparing recommendations regarding certification to the Attorney General for his consideration and action.
"Temporary Certification" means a status which is granted to a program by the Oklahoma Attorney General, and indicates approval to provide a particular service or services for one (1) year in order to give an initial applicant an opportunity to achieve 100% compliance with applicable rules.
"Units" or "unit" means an hour, or part of an hour, or group of hours, or a 24-hour day during which a specific service is rendered.
"Victims Services Unit" means the Unit created within the Office of the Attorney General to provide services for persons who require domestic violence or sexual assault services through a domestic violence program, sexual assault program, including programs serving adult victims of sex trafficking, or batterers intervention program.
Okla. Admin. Code § 75:1-1-1.1