Subchapter 5 - IRC[®] 2015
- Section 748:20-5-1 - Adoption of IRC[®] 2015 [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-1]
- Section 748:20-5-2 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-2]
- Section 748:20-5-3 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-3]
- Section 748:20-5-4 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-4]
- Section 748:20-5-4.1 - Participation in federal programs and/or federally funded or financed projects [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-5]
- Section 748:20-5-5 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-6]
- Section 748:20-5-5.1 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-7]
- Section 748:20-5-6 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-8]
- Section 748:20-5-7 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-9]
- Section 748:20-5-8 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-10]
- Section 748:20-5-9 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-11]
- Section 748:20-5-10 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-12]
- Section 748:20-5-11 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-13]
- Section 748:20-5-11.1 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-14]
- Section 748:20-5-11.2 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-15]
- Section 748:20-5-12 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-16]
- Section 748:20-5-13 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-20]
- Section 748:20-5-13.1 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-21]
- Section 748:20-5-13.2 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-24]
- Section 748:20-5-14 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-29]
- Section 748:20-5-15 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-30]
- Section 748:20-5-16 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-31]
- Section 748:20-5-17 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-32]
- Section 748:20-5-18 - [Revoked]
- Section 748:20-5-19 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-34]
- Section 748:20-5-20 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-35]
- Section 748:20-5-21 - [Revoked]
- Section 748:20-5-22 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-39]
- Section 748:20-5-22.1 - IRC 2015 Chapter 37 Branch Circuit and Feeder Requirements [REVOKED]
- Section 748:20-5-23 - [Revoked]
- Section 748:20-5-24 - IRC 2015[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-47]
- Section 748:20-5-24.1 - IRC[®] [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-49]
- Section 748:20-5-25 - Appendix V, Automatic Fire Systems [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-50]
- Section 748:20-5-26 - Appendix W, Energy Efficiency [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-52]
- Section 748:20-5-27 - Appendix X, Swimming Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-51]
- Section 748:20-5-28 - Appendix Y, Residential Tornado Provisions [AMENDED AND RENUMBERED TO 748:20-6-53]