Okla. Admin. Code § 730:20-1-3

Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 730:20-1-3 - Access control

It is the policy of the Commission to provide a degree of control of access to the state highway system, as defined in 730:15-1-1 and 730:15-1-2.

(A) Full Control of Access - Right-of-way is purchased in such a manner as to give preference to through traffic by providing access connections with selected frontage or local roads only and also by prohibiting crossings at grade and direct private or commercial driveway mainline connections.
(B) No Control of Access - Right-of-way is purchased in such a manner as to allow at-grade access to the transportation facility with the location of private and commercial driveways subject only to the geometrics necessary to provide for safe access, as determined by the Department via the standard driveway agreement process.
(C) Partial Control of Access-Right-of-way is purchased in such a manner as to give preference to through traffic by providing access to selected major crossroads, with at-grade crossings at selected section lines, intersecting highways and major streets subject to geometrics necessary to provide for safe access, as determined by the Department via the standard driveway agreement process. There may be some private and commercial at-grade driveway connections.
(A) Full control of access shall be exercised on all functional classified rural or urban interstate facilities, all urban freeways, and all multi-lane, divided rural principal arterials to be constructed on new alignment, i.e. the existing facility will not be utilized as one set of lanes. Full control of access may be exercised on rural principal arterials improved on existing alignment where it is required for safety, or where determined to be economically feasible. It may also be exercised on any city bypass, where needed to protect the facility from future urbanization.
(B) On multi-lane rural principal arterials where full control of access is not economically feasible and on functionally classified urban expressways, partial control of access may be utilized.
(C) Where feasible, when interchanges are to be constructed, rights of access to the connecting roadways shall be purchased for a minimum of 150 feet beyond ramp terminals to insure the future integrity of the interchange.
(D) No control of Access, as defined, shall apply to all other highways. The proper, safe locations of all private and commercial access points on all existing Partial Control of Access and No Control of Access facilities shall be subject to approval of the applicable ODOT Field Division Engineer. The location of access points on design plans for new facilities shall be the responsibility of the Department's Design Engineer.

Okla. Admin. Code § 730:20-1-3

Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2030, eff 6-11-99