Subchapter 5 - Establishing Other Service Credits
- Section 715:10-5-1 - Oklahoma service credit after July 1, 1943
- Section 715:10-5-2 - Employment as a substitute teacher in Oklahoma schools
- Section 715:10-5-3 - Official sabbatical leave from an Oklahoma school
- Section 715:10-5-4 - Cost to purchase Oklahoma service
- Section 715:10-5-4.1 - Payment of Contribution Deficit for Education Employees Service Incentive Plan
- Section 715:10-5-5 - Oklahoma service performed prior to July 1, 1943 [REVOKED]
- Section 715:10-5-6 - Verification of Oklahoma service before membership
- Section 715:10-5-7 - Credit for service in other Oklahoma public retirement systems
- Section 715:10-5-7.1 - Transfer of service credit from the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System
- Section 715:10-5-7.2 - Transfer of service credit to the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System
- Section 715:10-5-7.3 - Service credit transfers for TRS members who are CLEET-certified employees of the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University
- Section 715:10-5-8 - Revocation of $7,800 waiver
- Section 715:10-5-9 - Re-establishing withdrawn service
- Section 715:10-5-10 - Military service credit
- Section 715:10-5-11 - Military service limited to maximum of five years
- Section 715:10-5-12 - Military service performed prior to July 1, 1943 [REVOKED]
- Section 715:10-5-13 - Military service performed after July 1, 1943
- Section 715:10-5-14 - Military service combined with Oklahoma service
- Section 715:10-5-15 - Application for military service credit
- Section 715:10-5-16 - Cost to purchase military service
- Section 715:10-5-17 - Adjustment for military service after retirement
- Section 715:10-5-18 - Other restrictions on military service
- Section 715:10-5-19 - Out-of-state service credit
- Section 715:10-5-20 - Out-of-state service performed prior to July 1, 1943 [REVOKED]
- Section 715:10-5-21 - Out-of-state service performed after July 1, 1943
- Section 715:10-5-22 - Out-of-state service limited to maximum of five years
- Section 715:10-5-23 - Out-of-state service combined with Oklahoma service
- Section 715:10-5-24 - Continuous, consecutive out-of-state service
- Section 715:10-5-25 - Application for out-of-state service credit
- Section 715:10-5-26 - Cost to purchase out-of-state service
- Section 715:10-5-27 - Other restrictions on out-of-state service
- Section 715:10-5-28 - Sick leave service credit
- Section 715:10-5-29 - Verification of accumulated sick leave
- Section 715:10-5-30 - [Effective until 9/14/2025] Ten-year averaging of sick leave
- Section 715:10-5-30 - [Effective 9/14/2025] Ten-year averaging of sick leave
- Section 715:10-5-31 - Documentation of service
- Section 715:10-5-32 - Roll-overs from other qualified plans or conduit IRAs
- Section 715:10-5-33 - Credit for family leave
- Section 715:10-5-34 - Credit for adjunct service in Higher Education
- Section 715:10-5-35 - Employer pick-up of service credit purchase
- Section 715:10-5-36 - Compliance with USERRA and Code Section 414(u), including applicable HEART Act provisions
- Section 715:10-5-37 - Incentive service credit
- Section 715:10-5-38 - Credit for prior service as an optional employee