Subchapter 21 - Quality Events
- Section 710:95-21-1 - Purpose
- Section 710:95-21-2 - Definitions
- Section 710:95-21-3 - Quality event requirements, limitations and eligibility
- Section 710:95-21-4 - Quality event approval and application requirements
- Section 710:95-21-5 - Tax Commission review and approval process
- Section 710:95-21-6 - Determination of eligible local support amounts
- Section 710:95-21-7 - Host community requirement to submit event related information
- Section 710:95-21-8 - Comparison of eligible local support amounts with incremental state sales tax revenue
- Section 710:95-21-9 - Manner of determining payment
- Section 710:95-21-10 - Incentive payment limitations
- Section 710:95-21-11 - Incentive payments to host communities