Subchapter 3 - Alcoholic Beverages
- Section 710:20-3-1 - Procedures for payment of excise tax levied on alcoholic beverages
- Section 710:20-3-2 - Payment or remittance of the excise tax on alcoholic beverages
- Section 710:20-3-3 - Monthly tax reports required
- Section 710:20-3-4 - Due dates for timely filing of monthly tax reports and payment of alcoholic beverage excise tax
- Section 710:20-3-5 - Interest on delinquent tax
- Section 710:20-3-6 - Penalty on delinquent tax
- Section 710:20-3-7 - Issuance of distributor or wholesaler permit
- Section 710:20-3-8 - Cancellation of permits
- Section 710:20-3-9 - Procedures for payment of identification stamp fees [REVOKED]
- Section 710:20-3-10 - Manner for affixing identification stamps upon containers of alcoholic beverages and cases of beer [REVOKED]