Okla. Admin. Code § 675:1-1-1.1
For purposes of this title, the following words and terms shall have the following meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Educational supervision" means face to face interaction between the supervisor and supervisee. Face to face supervision does not include interaction through electronic means unless said interaction is approved by the Board on a case by case basis prior to the supervision.
"LCSW" means licensed clinical social worker.
"LMSW" means licensed masters social worker.
"LSW" means licensed social worker.
"LSW-Adm" means licensed social worker with a specialty of administration.
"LSWA" means licensed social worker associate.
"Assessment" means the gathering of data about emotional, behavioral, mental, environmental, biopsychosocial, and interactional processes gathered in an effort to identify the client's past and current level of functioning. Assessment may also include the use of standardized psychometric testing instruments upon successful completion of appropriate, specialized courses or training.
Okla. Admin. Code § 675:1-1-1.1