Subchapter 7 - [Effective 8/25/2024] BOATS AND MOTORS - TITLES
- Section 670:20-7-1 - General provisions
- Section 670:20-7-2 - New boats or outboard motors purchased in Oklahoma or out-of-state
- Section 670:20-7-3 - Used (previously unregistered) boats or outboard motors purchased in Oklahoma
- Section 670:20-7-4 - Used boats and/or outboard motors entering from another titling and/or registering state
- Section 670:20-7-5 - Used outboard motors entering from a non-titling and non-registering state
- Section 670:20-7-6 - Ownership Affidavit
- Section 670:20-7-7 - Homemade boats and boats or outboard motors without hull identification or serial numbers
- Section 670:20-7-8 - Application for transfers of title
- Section 670:20-7-9 - Application for replacement title
- Section 670:20-7-10 - Repossessions
- Section 670:20-7-11 - Abandoned vessels or outboard motors