Subchapter 7 - [Effective 8/25/2024] SPECIFIC FISCAL DUTIES
- Section 670:10-7-1 - Deposit of monies
- Section 670:10-7-2 - Advice of deposits and depositing procedures
- Section 670:10-7-3 - Procedure for use of remittance slip in making deposits, corrections, adjustments, and reconciliations
- Section 670:10-7-4 - Dishonored checks
- Section 670:10-7-5 - Procedures for reporting and collecting dishonored checks on Service Oklahoma transactions
- Section 670:10-7-6 - Procedures for refunds to applicant [NEW] (a) Refund procedures
- Section 670:10-7-7 - Daily reports
- Section 670:10-7-8 - Allowable fees and charges
- Section 670:10-7-9 - Procedures for reporting and collecting returned checks on driver license
- Section 670:10-7-10 - Procedures for reporting and collecting returned checks on driver license records