Subchapter 19 - Medicare Gap Benefit Option
- Section 590:10-19-1 - Purpose and intent
- Section 590:10-19-2 - Definitions
- Section 590:10-19-3 - Medicare Gap Benefit option
- Section 590:10-19-4 - Irrevocable election of Medicare Gap Benefit option
- Section 590:10-19-5 - Medicare Gap Benefit
- Section 590:10-19-6 - Eligible Members
- Section 590:10-19-7 - Eligibility exclusions
- Section 590:10-19-8 - Calculation of the Medicare Gap Benefit
- Section 590:10-19-9 - Medicare Gap Benefit Inapplicable for joint annuitants
- Section 590:10-19-10 - [Revoked]
- Section 590:10-19-11 - Minimum benefit amount
- Section 590:10-19-12 - Calculation of Cost-of-Living Adjustments
- Section 590:10-19-13 - Medicare Gap benefits and post-retirement employment
- Section 590:10-19-14 - Payments to an alternate payee under a QDRO