Subchapter 25 - Seed
- Section 35:30-25-1 - Definitions
- Section 35:30-25-2 - Labeling requirements
- Section 35:30-25-3 - Noxious weed list
- Section 35:30-25-4 - Limitations on noxious weed seeds
- Section 35:30-25-5 - Standard of germination and purity
- Section 35:30-25-6 - Date of test
- Section 35:30-25-7 - Variety labeling
- Section 35:30-25-8 - Sampling and analyzing seed
- Section 35:30-25-9 - Laboratory sample requirements
- Section 35:30-25-10 - Identification and size of samples
- Section 35:30-25-11 - Special requirements on hybrid sorghum, hybrid sorghum x sudangrass, and hybrid sudangrass seed sold in Oklahoma [REVOKED]
- Section 35:30-25-12 - Special requirements on hybrid wheat seed sold in Oklahoma [REVOKED]
- Section 35:30-25-13 - Special requirements on rye labeled as to variety sold in Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture [REVOKED]
- Section 35:30-25-14 - Seed advertisements
- Section 35:30-25-15 - Schedule of seed program fees
- Section 35:30-25-16 - Marijuana seed