Subchapter 10 - Emergency Shelter Care
- Section 340:75-10-1 - Mission statement [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-2 - Admissions/discharges [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-3 - Child Welfare worker role/responsibilities [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-4 - Family involvement [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-5 - Movement of children from shelter care [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-6 - Shelter social worker roles/responsibilities [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-7 - Leaves without permission [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-8 - Purpose and authority
- Section 340:75-10-8.1 - General requirements
- Section 340:75-10-8.2 - Medical services in Oklahoma Department of Human Service (OKDHS) managed and operated shelters
- Section 340:75-10-8.3 - Care and supervision of shelter residents
- Section 340:75-10-8.4 - Runaway or abducted children in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) managed and operated shelters
- Section 340:75-10-9 - Admissions and discharges [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-10 - Child Welfare (CW) worker role [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-11 - DHS operated shelter social worker role [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-12 - Leaves without permission in DHS operated shelters [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-13 - Direct Care Specialist's (DCS) role in DHS operated shelters [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-14 - Training for DHS operated shelter staff [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-15 - Use of physical force in DHS operated shelters [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-16 - Emergency plans in DHS operated shelters [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-17 - Resident grievances in DHS operated shelters [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-18 - Mistreatment of shelter residents [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-19 - Medical services in DHS operated shelters [Revoked]
- Section 340:75-10-20 - Shelter volunteers in DHS operated shelters [Revoked]