Subchapter 5 - Home Maintenance Aide (HMA) Program [Revoked]
- Section 340:105-5-1 - Home Maintenance Aide Program (HMA) [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-2 - Referrals and requests for HMA [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-3 - Monitoring the delivery of services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-4 - Re-evaluation [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-5 - Termination/suspension of HMA services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-6 - Vendor payment rate and claim processing [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-7 - Fair/administrative hearings [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-8 - Overpayments [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-9 - Legal basis [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-10 - Definition [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-11 - Eligibility [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-12 - Home maintenance aide - vendor [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-13 - Referrals [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-14 - Home Maintenance Aide Agreement and Care Plan [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-15 - Service certification period [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-16 - Liability in transport of clients [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-17 - Training [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-18 - Home maintenance aide contract [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-19 - Days of service [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-20 - Claims [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-21 - Monitoring the delivery of services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-22 - Re-evaluation [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-23 - Overpayments [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-24 - Termination or suspension of HMA services [REVOKED]
- Section 340:105-5-25 - Fair hearings [REVOKED]