Subchapter 1 - Administrative Appeals
- Section 317:2-1-1 - Purpose
- Section 317:2-1-2 - Appeals
- Section 317:2-1-2.1 - Provider appeals and jurisdictional grounds [REVOKED]
- Section 317:2-1-2.2 - Recipient appeals [REVOKED]
- Section 317:2-1-2.3 - Other grievance procedures and processes [REVOKED]
- Section 317:2-1-2.4 - Appeal to the Chief Executive Officer [TERMINATED]
- Section 317:2-1-2.5 - Expedited appeals
- Section 317:2-1-2.6 - Continuation of benefits or services pending appeal
- Section 317:2-1-3 - Drug rebate appeals [REVOKED]
- Section 317:2-1-4 - Appeal to the Chief Executive Officer [REVOKED]
- Section 317:2-1-5 - Hearing procedures
- Section 317:2-1-6 - Other grievance procedures and processes [Revoked]
- Section 317:2-1-7 - Program Integrity Audit Appeals
- Section 317:2-1-8 - [Revoked]
- Section 317:2-1-9 - OHCA's Designated Agent's appeal process for QIO Decisions
- Section 317:2-1-10 - Drug Rebate appeal process
- Section 317:2-1-11 - Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board (DUR) appeal process
- Section 317:2-1-12 - For cause and immediate provider contract termination appeals process
- Section 317:2-1-13 - Appeal to the chief executive officer
- Section 317:2-1-14 - Contract award protest process
- Section 317:2-1-15 - Supplemental Hospital Offset Payment Program (SHOPP) Appeals
- Section 317:2-1-16 - Nursing Facility Supplemental Payment Program appeals [Revoked]
- Section 317:2-1-17 - Long-term care facility cost report appeals
- Section 317:2-1-18 - Step therapy protocol exception appeals