Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 310:680-19-2 - Statement provisions(a) A statement of rights and responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:(1) Every resident's civil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personal decisions and knowledge of available choices, shall not be infringed and the residential care home shall encourage and assist in the exercise of these rights.(2) Every resident shall have the rights to have private communications and consultations with the physician, attorney, or any other person of his choice, and may send and promptly receive, unopened, his personal mail.(3) Every resident shall have the right, without fear of reprisal, to present grievances on behalf of himself or others to the residential care home's staff or administrator, to governmental officials, or to any other person and to join with other residents or individuals within or outside of the facility to work for improvements in resident care.(4) Every resident shall have the right to manage his own financial affairs, unless the resident or his representative, if any, delegates the responsibility, in writing to the residential care home pursuant to the program certification requirements. The resident and his representative, in any, shall have at least a quarterly accounting of any personal financial transactions undertaken in his behalf by the residential care home during any period of time such responsibilities have been delegated to the residential care home.(5) Every resident shall have the right to receive adequate and appropriate medical care consistent with established and recognized medical practice standards within the community. Every resident shall be fully informed by his attending physician of his medical condition and proposed treatment in terms and language that the resident can understand, unless medically contraindicated, and to refuse medication and treatment after being fully informed of and understanding the consequences of such actions.(6) Every resident shall receive respect and privacy in his medical care program. Case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment shall remain confidential and shall be conducted discreetly. Personal and medical records shall be confidential.(7) Every resident shall have the right to retain and use his personal clothing and possessions, unless medically contraindicated, and shall have the right to security in the storage and use of such clothing and possessions.(8) Every resident shall have the right to receive courteous and respectful care and treatment and a written statement of the services provided by the residential care home, including those required to be offered on an as-needed basis, and a statement of related charges, including any costs for services not covered under medicare or medicaid, or not covered by the residential care home's basic per diem rate.(9) Every resident shall be free from mental and physical abuse, and from physical and chemical restraints as provided by the program certification standards.(10) Every resident shall receive a statement of the facility's regulations and an explanation of the resident's responsibility to obey all reasonable regulations of the facility and to respect the personal rights and private property of the other residents.(11) No resident shall be required to perform services for a residential care home. Regular participation in shared household tasks shall not be construed to mean "services for a residential care home" when said tasks are included as part of a training, habilitation, or rehabilitation plan for the resident pursuant to the program certification requirements for the residential care home and are performed as a part of normal shared household tasks.(12) Every resident shall have privacy for spousal visits. Every resident may share a room with his/her spouse, if the spouse is residing in the same residential care home.(13) When a physician indicates it is appropriate, a residential care home shall immediately notify the resident's next of kin, or representative of the resident's death or when the resident's death appears to be imminent.(b) No licensed facility shall deny appropriate care on the basis of the resident's source of payment as defined in the regulations.(c) Each residential care home shall prepare a written plan and provide appropriate staff training to implement each resident's rights as stated.Okla. Admin. Code § 310:680-19-2