Subchapter 5 - Physical Plant
- Section 310:675-5-1 - Application
- Section 310:675-5-2 - General considerations
- Section 310:675-5-3 - Nursing unit
- Section 310:675-5-4 - Service areas
- Section 310:675-5-5 - Resident's dining and recreation areas
- Section 310:675-5-6 - Physical therapy facilities
- Section 310:675-5-7 - Occupational therapy facilities
- Section 310:675-5-8 - Personal care unit
- Section 310:675-5-9 - Dietary facilities
- Section 310:675-5-10 - Pharmacy unit
- Section 310:675-5-11 - Administration and public areas
- Section 310:675-5-12 - Linen services
- Section 310:675-5-13 - General stores
- Section 310:675-5-14 - Employee's facilities
- Section 310:675-5-15 - Janitor's closets
- Section 310:675-5-16 - Engineering service and equipment area
- Section 310:675-5-17 - [1] Waste processing services
- Section 310:675-5-18 - Design and construction
- Section 310:675-5-19 - Elevators
- Section 310:675-5-20 - Mechanical requirements
- Section 310:675-5-21 - Electrical requirements
- Section 310:675-5-22 - Exceptions and temporary waivers
- Section 310:675-5-23 - Submission of plans and specifications and related requests for services
- Section 310:675-5-24 - Preparation of plans and specifications
- Section 310:675-5-25 - Self-certification of plans