Subchapter 13 - Air Ambulance Service
- Section 310:641-13-1 - Purpose
- Section 310:641-13-2 - License required [REVOKED]
- Section 310:641-13-3 - Issuance of an air ambulance license
- Section 310:641-13-4 - Renewal of an air ambulance license
- Section 310:641-13-5 - Denial for an initial license
- Section 310:641-13-6 - Denial of an air ambulance application for renewal
- Section 310:641-13-7 - Severance of action, amendment, and re-instatement
- Section 310:641-13-8 - Air ambulance medical staffing
- Section 310:641-13-9 - Air ambulance vehicle
- Section 310:641-13-10 - Air ambulance equipment
- Section 310:641-13-11 - Air medical director
- Section 310:641-13-12 - Operational protocols
- Section 310:641-13-13 - Communications
- Section 310:641-13-14 - Air ambulance sanitation requirements
- Section 310:641-13-15 - Storage of intravenous solutions
- Section 310:641-13-16 - Air ambulance service authority to carry controlled substances on a vehicle
- Section 310:641-13-17 - Air ambulance inspections
- Section 310:641-13-18 - Air ambulance notice of violation
- Section 310:641-13-19 - Emergency medical services regions [REVOKED]
- Section 310:641-13-20 - Air Ambulance triage, transport and transfer protocols
- Section 310:641-13-21 - Air ambulance service records and files
- Section 310:641-13-22 - Air Ambulance Suspension, revocation, probation, or non-renewal of a licensee