Subchapter 7 - Alcohol Testing Facilities
- Section 310:638-7-1 - Qualifications of alcohol testing facilities
- Section 310:638-7-2 - Notification requirements
- Section 310:638-7-3 - Testing locations for alcohol screening device and evidential breath testing (EBT) devices
- Section 310:638-7-4 - Initial alcohol screening tests
- Section 310:638-7-5 - Cutoff level and alcohol confirmation tests
- Section 310:638-7-6 - Breath alcohol confirmation tests
- Section 310:638-7-7 - Blood alcohol confirmation tests
- Section 310:638-7-8 - Rehabilitation/post-rehabilitation urine alcohol testing
- Section 310:638-7-9 - Internal review and certification of results
- Section 310:638-7-10 - Proficiency testing
- Section 310:638-7-11 - Maintenance of records