Chapter 406 - Licensed Genetic Counselors
- Subchapter 1 - General Provisions (§§ 310:406-1-1 — 310:406-1-2)
- Subchapter 3 - Advisory Committee Operations [REVOKED] (§§ 310:406-3-1 — 310:406-3-5)
- Subchapter 5 - Rules of Professional Conduct (§§ 310:406-5-1 — 310:406-5-4)
- Subchapter 7 - Application for Licensure (§§ 310:406-7-1 — 310:406-7-3)
- Subchapter 9 - Academic Requirements (§ 310:406-9-1)
- Subchapter 11 - Licensure Examinations (§ 310:406-11-1)
- Subchapter 13 - [Revoked] Supervision Requirements (§§ 310:406-13-1 — 310:406-13-5)
- Subchapter 15 - Fees (§§ 310:406-15-1 — 310:406-15-4)
- Subchapter 17 - Continuing Education Requirements (§§ 310:406-17-1 — 310:406-17-6)
- Subchapter 19 - Issuance of License (§§ 310:406-19-1 — 310:406-19-6)
- Subchapter 21 - License Renewal and Expiration (§§ 310:406-21-1 — 310:406-21-10)
- Subchapter 23 - Enforcement (§§ 310:406-23-1 — 310:406-23-8)