Subchapter 5 - Midwife Practice
- Section 310:395-5-1 - Scope of work
- Section 310:395-5-2 - Client welfare
- Section 310:395-5-3 - Professional standards
- Section 310:395-5-4 - Disclosure forms
- Section 310:395-5-5 - Informed consent
- Section 310:395-5-6.1 - Provisions for VBAC, multiple, and breech births
- Section 310:395-5-6 - Conditions precluding Midwifery care
- Section 310:395-5-7 - Assessments and care antepartum and intrapartum
- Section 310:395-5-8 - Required medical consultation or referral, antepartum and intrapartum periods
- Section 310:395-5-9 - Required Newborn care
- Section 310:395-5-10 - Required medical consultation or referral during newborn care
- Section 310:395-5-11 - Postpartum care
- Section 310:395-5-12 - Emergency measures
- Section 310:395-5-13 - Formulary
- Section 310:395-5-14 - Universal birth dose hepatitis B vaccination
- Section 310:395-5-15 - Record keeping
- Section 310:395-5-16 - Reporting to the Department
- Section 310:395-5-17 - Reserved
- Section 310:395-5-18 - Newborn screening
- Section 310:395-5-19 - Completion and filing of forms and records