Chapter 281 - Medical Marijuana Regulations [Revoked]
- Subchapter 1 - General Provisions (§§ 310:281-1-1 — 310:281-1-4)
- Subchapter 3 - Registration of Diagnostic X-Ray Systems (§§ 310:281-3-1 — 310:281-3-7)
- Subchapter 5 - Permits (§§ 310:281-5-1 — 310:281-5-5)
- Subchapter 7 - Reserved
- Subchapter 9 - Standards for Protection Against Radiation (§§ 310:281-9-1 — 310:281-9-40)
- Subchapter 11 - Use of X-Rays in the Healing Arts and Veterinary Medicine (§§ 310:281-11-1 — 310:281-11-21)
- Subchapter 13 - Radiation Safety Requirements for Analytical X-Ray Equipment [Revoked] (§§ 310:281-13-1 — 310:281-13-5)
- Subchapter 15 - Radiation Safety Requirements for Particle Accelerators [Revoked] (§§ 310:281-15-1 — 310:281-15-12)
- Subchapter 17 - Use of Teleradiology in Healing Arts (§ 310:281-17-1)
- Appendix A - Conventional Three-Blade Design Radiation Symbol
- Appendix B - [Revoked]
- Appendix C - Quanitites for Use With 310:281-9-12 and 310:281-9-20 [Revoked]
- Appendix D - Acceptable Surface Contamination Levels [Revoked]
- Appendix E - [Revoked]