Subchapter 5 - Boating Safety Rules
- Section 300:35-5-1 - Careful operation of a vessel
- Section 300:35-5-2 - Towing activities
- Section 300:35-5-3 - Flotation device required
- Section 300:35-5-4 - Sitting and standing in vessel
- Section 300:35-5-5 - Required equipment
- Section 300:35-5-6 - Prohibited areas
- Section 300:35-5-7 - Night speed limit
- Section 300:35-5-8 - Skiing prohibited
- Section 300:35-5-9 - Persons on personal watercraft
- Section 300:35-5-10 - Persons using Water Jet Pack Units
- Section 300:35-5-11 - Persons using Paddleboards, canoes and kayaks