Subchapter 9 - Telephone Voting System
- Section 230:50-9-1 - Purpose of telephone voting system [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-2 - Use of telephone voting system [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-3 - Telephone voting procedure [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-4 - Procedure when telephone is not available at polling place [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-5 - Procedure when voter is referred from polling place without telephone [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-6 - Telephone Voting System Aide responsibilities [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-7 - Telephone Voting System Precinct Log [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-8 - Receiving telephone ballots by fax from State Election Board [REVOKED]
- Section 230:50-9-9 - Counting telephone voting system ballots [REVOKED]