Subchapter 15 - ESEA Title II [Revoked]
- Section 210:15-15-1 - General provisions [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-2 - State allotment administration and supplement requirement [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-3 - SEA use of funds and special considerations [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-4 - Needs assessment, additional factors, and private school participation [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-5 - LEA allocation calculation, allocation notification, use of funds, and application [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-6 - Application approval and payment disbursement [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-7 - Complaint procedures [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-8 - Program assessment [REVOKED]
- Section 210:15-15-9 - Fiscal management requirements, budget review criteria, and auditing procedures [REVOKED]