Subchapter 3 - Procedural Rules
- Section 180:1-3-1 - Board's principal offices and alternate locations
- Section 180:1-3-2 - General procedures before the Board
- Section 180:1-3-3 - Filing pleadings and papers
- Section 180:1-3-4 - Record of proceedings
- Section 180:1-3-5 - Service of pleadings
- Section 180:1-3-6 - Commencement of proceeding; intervention; consolidation
- Section 180:1-3-7 - Notice of hearing
- Section 180:1-3-8 - Continuances
- Section 180:1-3-9 - Depositions and discovery
- Section 180:1-3-10 - Examiner testimony
- Section 180:1-3-11 - Examination report confidentiality
- Section 180:1-3-12 - Pre-hearing conference
- Section 180:1-3-13 - Witnesses and subpoenas
- Section 180:1-3-14 - Evidentiary rules
- Section 180:1-3-15 - Party's attendance required at hearing
- Section 180:1-3-16 - Complaint procedure
- Section 180:1-3-17 - Petitions for rulemaking
- Section 180:1-3-18 - Declaratory rulings